Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Why Every Vote Counts In Allentown

Think about this. If all the residents in one city block or apartment complex went all in for a single candidate it could change the entire outcome.

Here's something else to think about. There were less then 8,000 votes cast for the Democratic mayoral candidates in the primary. The population of Allentown is nearly 121,000. Less then 7% bothered to vote for them. Meaning roughly 112,530 (93%) of the others couldn't be bothered.

This clearly indicates the vast majority of Allentown's residents aren't vested in this city. Surely this must register on our elected leaders minds as well. Why should they stress themselves out over Allentown's problems if so few are willing to get off their butt even for one day to vote?

Somehow the majority of our residents think magically everything will turn out fine for them because some 7% will carry water for them. I'm here to tell ya...

1 comment:

  1. Given that slate of candidates how can you fault the electorate. Doubt that 93% are clueless. C'mon this is Allentown doncha know!


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