Monday, May 10, 2021

Two Highly Inflammatory Political Videos

Been too quite around here lately. So I thought I'd stir the pot a bit. I know it will be appreciated (not). 

Now a word about the news and social media sites being accused of violating the first amendment.

I want you to notice what it actually says. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..". Nowhere does it say, other then the government itself, some other entity couldn't. For instance social media companies, newspapers or TV networks. Not even this blog  It only spoke to congress forbidding free expression.

Then there's the endless beating of the drum conservatives are victims of the so-called cancel culture. Where have heard this? From they themselves who spout it daily all over the place. If there's any canceling going on it's certainly isn't working. This morning I saw C-Span was replaying the entire Matt Gaetz speech from Friday's "America First" rally in Florida. It can also be found just about everywhere someone wants to watch it.
So there you have it. My most inflammatory post of the month (so far). Hope you enjoyed it. You're welcome :-)

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