Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Knock It Off With Dr. Anthony Fauci Criticisms

Some people are lobbing all kinds of hatred towards Fauci because of his advice. Look, the guy's not a politician nor economist. People turned to him for guidance solely as a doctor. Makes me wonder how many ever took a doctor's advice when they said stay home from work, you're too sick. Instead went on a tear how they couldn't afford to stay home. Then went to work anyway.

It's not Fauci who is to blame. If people don't want to take a doctor's advice it's on them for what the consequences are in ignoring his recommendations. Fauci isn't forcing shutdowns. They come from politicians who make decisions on the information he provides as to what risks are involved. Some may follow doctors orders. Others may not.

I think most people should be allowed to make their own decisions based on sound advice from Dr. Fauci. He's the last guy who should receive blame for whatever happens after that advice is given.

Everyone is inclined to place blame when misfortune happens. If there's any culpability to be had it lies with those in power who over react threatening people and business owners who are backed against a corner. Some people will make bad decisions. Some won't. It's not for our leaders to dictate a individual's choices. Not in a democracy. At best they should try and educate people on the risks and let people decide for themselves. If someone makes the wrong choice the Corona virus will do the rest. It's then people will react individually on their own accordingly without the need for government threats.

Is It Time To Open Up?
Probably not. But I think people need to discover this for themselves. Anyone who raised kids knows until they harm themselves they'll keep doing whatever they're doing even if it's behind their parents back. What we're doing is creating a future underground economy. One where the shades are pulled down and cash backroom deals are starting to gain a foothold. People are getting desperate. Have we learned nothing from prohibition?

Who the hell is the government to tell us what an "essential" business is. All single owner businesses are "essential" to them. Face it these small single owned businesses are the ones suffering. Not these super size corporate entities. Only these are forced to follow Fauci's advice while airlines, meat plants and other numerous giants have not only been allowed to continue operations but encouraged to do so. Small mom and pop operations can (at worse) contaminate only a fraction of what these giants are allowed to continue doing on a daily basis.

The bottom line is Fauci is the last guy in the world who should be held accountable for what happens. His only guilt has been trying to provide guidance. Whether we follow his recommendation or not isn't on him. Some will party on. Some won't. He will not determine who lives or who dies. That's left between the coronavirus, ourselves and fate to decide.

1 comment:

  1. Each State seems to have their own Covid19 procedures with their own experts.


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