Thursday, September 14, 2017

Never Ending Monetizing

'' joined the ranks of 'The Morning Call' and dozens of others who limit their views per month. Nearly every site I visit imposes popups blocking my view of their articles. In each case I "refresh" my browser and erase cookies. If that doesn't take care of the problem I leave--it's not worth it to me. Who knows what these popups do when you click on them.

Today I've been confronted with something entirely new. Norton Antivirus (which I pay for) has begun trolling me with popups for their products--even when I'm not on the internet.

I get at least four telephone calls per day. Unless I recognize the caller I let the answer machine handle it. 100% of the time they disconnect.

When I watch TV they too do a whole bunch of popups and overlays on top of what I'm watching. Cable news channels are the worst. On top of their chyrons and crawls sometimes these take up 30% of the screen. Not to mention five or six bloviators in a box.

More and more YouTube posters are self promoting or pushing some product they are being paid to hype.

I'm going to try and put this nicely as I can-- stick it up your ass-- I'm not interested. This is something I felt the need to get off my chest.


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