Wednesday, September 20, 2017

In The News (09/20/2017) PART 2

*** Computer programmers will always do what they do
It's becoming increasingly difficult to navigate the web. One of my utility companies changed their website and account numbers making it impossible to log on. I had to re-register. When I attempted to do so they required a temporary pass key they'd send via email. I never got it. So I went to my Hotmail account. There Hotmail presented me with two more hoops to jump through before I could even check my inbox. Having obtained the temp pass code for my utility it required that I go paperless whether I like it or not. Yeah well that's gonna work out just swell--I'll never get them. DUH! Next step was to change my online banking information for the utility. If it's an account number--fine. But a address change requires deleting the old account info and creating an entirely new one. Talk about a pain in the butt.

YouTube made a bunch of changes too. The notifications I receive in email no longer display a thumbnail of the video correctly (if at all) nor it's description. They like others are very interested in my security wanting my cell phone number. First off I don't have one. If I did I would never agree to the terms. If one looks carefully by doing so you are giving permission to call it. Ain't never gonna happen. So far I'm able to circumvent these for who knows how long.

Then there's the online banking that also thought it was a great idea to ask me secret questions after they changed. Problem is no matter what answers I gave they were not accepted. Apparently I also needed to have a temporary pass code either via email or phone. Then re-update my "secret questions" all over again.

Nearly every site I visit has pop ups of all kinds I refuse to click on. By clicking on them users are giving permissions for things they'd never would if they knew what they were giving permission for. Plain and simple you guys are F*&k'd up-- it ain't me. Things don't have to be this difficult. I thought computers were suppose to make life simpler. Guess not!

*** Danger, moron behind the wheel reports Wrong-way 18-wheel rig takes trip down Boardwalk-- "Police found an 18-wheeler cruising along the Ventnor Boardwalk early Wednesday morning after it tried to make a u-turn and was directed onto the famous wooden way in Atlantic City, reportedly by the driver’s GPS."

Anyone who can't tell the difference between a "wooden boardwalk" and a street is a complete idiot who doesn't belong behind a wheel. Goodness sake if GPS told someone to drive into a canal--would they? Never mind--some drivers already have. I'd expect this from some robot driven vehicle but human drivers? This guy's making a great pitch for robot replacements, no? Way to go ace!

*** The
Russian Facebook Account Reportedly Organized Florida Trump Rallies During Election-- "Russian Facebook accounts attempted to organize more than a dozen Florida Trump rallies during the election, the Daily Beast reported Wednesday:"

Oh my--looks like even Russia wants to MAGA. Who would have thunk it?

*** New York Daily News (video)
Police officer detains boy with autism after mistaking him for druggie-- "A police officer in Arizona mistook a 14-year-old boy who has autism for a drug user and detained the teen... That’s when *** took ***l to the ground."

Well at least he didn't shoot him. Unfortunately in this country most people with mental conditions or addictions end up being jailed as a form of treatment. Fortunately for this kid he wasn't one of them.

*** New York Post
$338M Powerball winner busted for child sex assault--"Nearly $30,000 of that was used at the time to make child support payments that he had owed since 2009."

Yeah this guy sounds like a real winner.

*** Borrowing is going to cost Pennsylvania more
Reuters, S&P downgrades Pennsylvania credit to A-plus, cites budget problems

There's been some talk of borrowing money to plug the budget gap. Yeah that ought to work out just fine. Let the next bunch of elected politicians figure out a way to deal with this. No problem :-(

*** Dem toddlers are such a threat these days
New York Post, 5-year-old suspended for making ‘terroristic threats’ against school--"Great Valley Academy officials said that the ordeal unfolded when little Jackson Riley was asked to take off his backpack, but the 5-year-old boy refused. The child then told his teacher that a bomb inside would explode.."

Damn when I was in kindergarten I never even had a backpack. All I ever thought about was if I'd be allowed the marching sticks or triangle or when a carton of milk would be served. . My how things have changed. They grow up so fast these days. Wonder if this kid will end up on the Homeland security list?

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