Monday, October 14, 2013

Protest Over Park Closings (Sun. Oct. 13, 2013)

A few videos plus my comments on them.

Here we see a few of the speakers

Since Ted Cruz seems confused I will try and explain this to him. Why are the parks closed?. Because Congress cut off funds to keep them open. Any Park Service worker who would dare write a check or engaged in forcing parks to remain open would be committing a crime by defying the will of the U.S. Congress. That's how the constitution works. Only congress has the power of the purse. There's nothing in the constitution that empowers federal employees nor the President to circumvent their authority. Kapish?

In this next video we see protestors booing and yelling shame to the capital police who are only trying to do their job by protecting the White House.

Everyone has the right to protest, however I don't know if some of these people were armed. We also don't know if some in the group would use the protest as a 'false flag operation' to launch an assault on the White House.

What the police were trying to do is keep the crowd a several feet away from the fence that protects the White House grounds.

More importantly, instead of dragging the barricades to the White House, it would have been far more appropriate to have dragged them over to the steps of the Capital building. President Obama doesn't have the constitutional authority to spend money that this congress has refused to provide appropriations for. The protestors real beef should have been with the very stooges they were so actively engaged with. The two top leaders who caused all this to happen in the first place. Talk about being played!

Yeah it's all Obama's fault?
Let's talk about that. Here's what happened on the House floor the day before on Saturday, October 12, 2013 when Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland's Eighth Congressional District tried to bring the budget impasse to a vote.

Get it? The House Republicans Changed The Rules So A Majority Vote Couldn't Stop The Government Shutdown So how is that President Obama's fault?

So much for the majority rules. So much for the will of the people. These (less then brilliant) protestors need a lesson in how the U.S. Constitution is supposed to work. People vote for House members to represent them. Then the majority of those elected members are then supposed to be able cast their votes. As any reasonable person can see, that is not what is being allowed to happen.

What do you call it when 40 or so people exploit Congressional procedures to circumvent the will of the majority? What do you call it when these same people round up a bunch of uninformed citizens to support their hypocrisy?

I call this kind of thing treachery. It's the undermining of the will of the American people and threatens the democracy of the United States.

It's disheartening that so many people can be so easily bamboozled. If these hypocrites actually had any real support they would encourage the House to take a straight vote on clean bills for both the debt limit and budget. It's very obvious they don't and therefore will engage every tactic possible to prevent that Including using the military veterans and other of the ill-informed as their patsies whom they can misdirect.

"Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today?
It wouldn't even get out of committee."

~ F. Lee Bailey~

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