Monday, September 30, 2024

The Oval Office How It Really Works In My Opinion


It must be a pain in the butt for lifers every time they get a new boss. I imagine it's the same with the permanent staffers in Washington and at the White House. Think of it this way in terms of the place where you work. To some degree you try to appease but most of the things you do stay pretty much the same. The things you've tried over and again which failed you aren't likely to repeat despite advice from the new greenhorn in the front office. Just appease them and hope they'll be distracted moving on to something else. Who hasn't dealt with new management in this way?

Countless new hot shots are appointed by every president who have no idea what's going on. Most rely on those below their charge who been around the block for years. What new appointees say and do in public may have little to do with the actual workings within the government department they were selected to lead. I can guarantee you our plant manager had little idea what was going on other then what our supervisors wanted them to know unless they were willing to check things out for themselves with us. Some of our previous bosses were interested in what we had to say listening to some of the past things we tried and managed accordingly. Others acted liked fools. Think government is any different?

This is why I sincerely hope 90% of what we hear coming out of Washington, Trump's mouth and other world leaders have little to do with what is really going on. Tons of people working in the background with other nations have been canoodling with each other for decades. They've reached an untold number of understandings where things stand. Think of it this way. These BS politicians at the top come and go in every country. The bedrock of everything that keeps things running smooth are the grunts doing what is best behind the scenes between their countries and ours by knowing what's really going on.

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