Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Earth Lives Don't Mean Squat In The Big Picture


This is for all you religious types who think some old guy is sitting on a throne judging and worrying about what happens on this single planet every hour compared to it's overall micro existence in time.

I may not know how this all works. I am certain however mankind is extremely egotistical thinking our existence matters one way or the other to the universe as a whole. We should focus all our energy on sustaining one another in every way possible rather then at each other's throats for whatever short time we have been allotted.

It's apparent the universe in the past has gotten (and will continue to get) along perfectly fine with or without us.

1 comment:

  1. This illustrates how ridiculous it is to believe we can do anything about climate change. Humans are no match for Mother Nature.

    Certainly, helping to keep our neighborhoods and cities clean, our air breathable, our drinking water pure, our personal health operating at peak ability, are all laudable goals and should not be discouraged. Carry on!

    But, there is absolutely NO WAY we lowly beings can ever do something to meaningfully re-direct the jetstream, eliminate freezing, halt sunspots from happening, the moon’s effect on rising tides, prevent earthquakes, adjust the position of the Equator, slow the speed of Earth rotation, etc. That list goes on and on.


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