Monday, September 16, 2024

Keep Your Car Doors Locked Against Road Rats


Uploaded 11/01/2022

"Rats are roaming the streets of ATVs.

One Of The Comments Left On This Video...
M Christiansen- My Niece had this happen. Her doors auto lock when the vehicle starts. She didn't slow down when one got in front of her and she clipped his back tire and sent it into another atv and flipped them both. She was ticketed and charged with reckless driving, but when she and her attorney got to court, the case was dismissed because as proof of her "bad" driving the dipshit deputy brought in his dash cam video showing for a full 3 minutes the atv's attempting to stop her and open her doors! Her attorney had the tape of the 911 call of my frantic niece begging for help and there was a deputy right behind them filming it. My niece said the judge was livid berating the deputy for not doing anything.

At this point every car should come equipped with a dash cam.

1 comment:

  1. Lawless behavior in America is too often being ignored. I can think of several reasons why. Regardless, ignoring involvement with criminals will only lead to MORE lawless behavior.

    An example can be found in liberal, woke, California. In many jurisdictions, stealing store merchandise is ignored by authorities up to the amount of $900. They are now being so overrun by shoplifting many stores are closing and moving out of those cities.

    Trump’s fault, right?


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