Tuesday, January 15, 2019

New Windbags Signed On To MSNBC And CNN

Ex-Senator Claire McCaskill Joins NBC and MSNBC

John Kasich Signs With CNN as Political Commentator

I'd like to hear them signing up reporters instead of another bevy of pundits. Whatever happened to reporting the news instead of talking about it. I couldn't believe the other night when MSNBC had 8 boxes on the screen at the same time. That's right... 8 frames of bullshitters lined up a ready to go. Even the BBC is getting in on the act. Now after nearly every report the teleprompter reader then says... A short time a ago I spoke with...blah, blah, blah.. Enough already!

Frankly I don't give a damn what any of them "think". I emphasize the word "think" because it's the word they use every other sentence. The reason is so they can't get sued if they misstate facts.

So what we have here is a bunch of lardasses talking about stories reported. Field reporters themselves are seldom seen. If they are it's for two minutes so these windbags can bloviate about it for the next 20 minutes interspersed with repetitive ads. I truly wish there was just one news channel where they only hired ACTUAL reporters. These so-called news channels have become a retirement home for a bunch of washed up used politicians who couldn't manage to get reelected or appointed by even their own party.

Oh.. I haven't forgotten about FOX news. Either FOX news hires ex white house officials or the other way around with the white house hiring washed up FOX news personnel.

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