Monday, November 13, 2017

Morning Call & Others Need To Get Act Together

How the Morning Call site loaded today on Microsoft's Internet Explorer

Notice annoying popups at the bottom?

How the Morning Call site loaded today on Google's Chrome Browser

How the Express Times loads on both

I have a few beefs with almost all sites these days. First off I won't get rid of Adblock. It's a proven fact some computers became infected by embedded code within certain ads. These ads all come from various third party sites. As far as the Morning Call-- they should quit screwing around with their webpage code. If it ain't broke don't mess with it. Their site is a total mess in Chrome today. Months ago WFMZ eliminated RSS Feeds and their videos won't play in Chrome. Still other sites require paid registration either upon the first view or after a certain number of visits.

Look I can understand why these guys need money, but if any of them want to eliminate over half their readers there's no better way then they are going about it. I will never ever click on various popups. These give browsers certain permissions to execute code to perform tasks circumventing various virus protections installed on our equipment. Sometimes I get up to three popups and an auto running video. Sometimes I spend more time refreshing, erasing cookies and trying to kill the video then it's worth. Thus saying to myself--screw it and close the page. It isn't worth it to me.

I'm not sure how these guys are suppose to make money but I can tell you one thing. It won't come by making a pain in the ass of themselves.

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