Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Joe Biden Will NOT Run For President

Good for Joe for a number of reasons.

(1) Although he would probably do as well as anybody else behind the desk I feel it's in Joe's best interests. He's the kind of guy who's mouth speaks what he's thinking. Not always a good quality for president who's job it is skirt around issues. I wouldn't want Joe to be any other way.

(2) Even though I'm not in favor of Hillary it does keep the Democratic party from being fractured like the Republican party has become recently unfortunately. (The 'Tea Party' needs to form their own party separate from traditional Republicans)

(3) I like Joe. He needs to quit while he's still well thought of. Some people make great vice Presidents but wouldn't make great Presidents. We've seen this in the past. I think Joe reached his level of success and it should stay that way.

(4) I'm pleased that he chose not to run for his sake. I don't think he has the stomach for it. No matter how much pressure was being applied I think he made the right call.

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