Friday, October 30, 2015

Allentown Students Assault Cops

The headline at 'Lehigh Valley Live' reads, Swarming teens provoke assault on Allentown cop

By now most people are aware of this. What followed not only at that site but countless social media sites is a huge flurry of comments and outrage. I didn't plan on getting into this but as a taxpayer felt compelled to stick my two cents in

Dear Students;
It is neither the school district's nor my responsibility as a taxpayer.. (1) To provide you with meals. (2) Help buy school clothes. (3) Baby sit your mamma babies. (4) Try and parent you in the values regarding morals and social skills your parents failed to provide. (5) Discipline your outrageous behavior in or out of the classroom. (6) Try and entertain you in order to garner more attention then those of your electronic devices. (7) Try and force an education on anyone unwilling to follow the lesson plans that you seem to think you have better expertise in then those who are far more educated then yourselves (the teachers). (8) Provide you with extra curricular fun activities beyond the role of providing a fundamental education.

Schools and the taxpayers have become bogged down trying to accomplish missions far beyond the goal of education. Schools are not your daddy or mamma. Here are some simple suggestions on how the schools should operate to get back on track.

(1) Kids show up and do what's instructed. Disrupt a class or fail to complete the work... YOU'RE OUT PERIOD.
(2) Not fed or clothed properly? Take that up with your parents
(3) Want to play sports or other fun stuff? Join a team or some other organization on your own time.
(4) Have a kid out of wedlock? Get your parents or someone to watch them. We all know how you can get pregnant and how to prevent it.

I'm truly as liberal as the next guy. However, while I feel for your misfortunes to be born under such circumstances poverty is no excuse for bad behavior, lack of respect by kicking teachers or cops asses nor by expecting anyone else to pick up the tab. Least of all the schools' or the rest of us forced to pay taxes because of it. My compassion and understanding ends when it impacts my family's safety and the costs born to it because of your lack of self control,

You don't like what's being offered? Quit or move some-place else. This is how society works whether it be a job in the market place or in school. Both schools and businesses succeed only when they provide the best opportunities. Those that don't go out of business whither and die. People will go elsewhere.

And that's exactly the position school districts are in. They are only as good as those who's comprise it. If this district was so lousy it wouldn't have the 1,000's of students enrolled that it does. Apparently there's a bunch of students bitching and moaning yet by their actions choose to still hang around and in all too many cases continue to disrupt. This indicates to me a lack responsibility. If you're sincere about the things you claim you want for yourselves you'd simply leave the district.

Let Me Summarize This Up For Ya
If ya didn't like it you would leave You & I both know you ain't gonna do that, are ya?


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