Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Harsh Economic Truth About Mass Transit

There's a vast separation between perception & reality.

First, The Perception

Video Courtesy Pennsylvania House Of Representatives

My that sure does sound pretty and logical. However This is not how it plays out in the real world. If anywhere in the world things should work out economically you'd think it would be in NYC. Anyone who has ever gone to NYC can attest the buses are full. The subways are packed with riders. Logic would dictate they should be making money hand over fist.

But the reality is...

(May 26, 2015)

It's incomprehensible to me how we in "the little apple" would fare any better then they. Until someone provides me with a link to where 'mass transit' isn't bleeding government budgets I remain against these schemes.

There was a time trolleys and buses made a profit back in the early days in this area. Since then nearly every family member now owns a automobile. It is so because cars are required to take them to their jobs far from where mass transit would be a practical means of transportation for them. It worked back then because many of the jobs were on the other side of same the city. Even then it doesn't seem to work in NYC where most of them still do.

I'm not sure how we should get people from point A to point B. One thing I am sure of, mass transit economic promises are hype. I have no problem if mass transit could support itself. However see no reason why I or anyone else should have to pay dearly for something we may never use.

Some may argue, "well we all pay for highways & streets". Indeed that is true. At one time or another I've used them or will sometime in the future. I have no problem helping to pay for buses to use them too. That's fair. BUT I do have a problem helping to pay for other peoples rides on them.

It should be a pay as you go thing. Paying for something I may never use is unfair taxation. An entirely separate matter. Riders of planes, trains & buses... that should be entirely on them.

What do you think?

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