Sunday, April 5, 2015

Homeless People Read Mean Tweets

What the homeless want you to know

Both videos are part of the 'Raising The Roof' campaign in Canada. "Since 1997, Raising the Roof has allocated close to $4 million dollars to more than 145 partner agencies across Canada working to reduce homelessness at the community level." The campaign has posted dozens of more videos in which homeless people are given a voice and a chance to answer the accusations made against them

'GoldCinemaAlbania' posted the following video. They gave a NYC homeless man pizza to see what he would do.

Here in The United States 'Volunteers Of America' works directly with the homeless. So too does 'Habitat For Humanity' and 'The U.S. Dept. of Veteran Affairs'. These are just three organizations among dozens of others providing means for people to help the homeless if inclined to do so.

Speaking Of Mean Tweets..
Although this post was about homelessness it follows my thoughts regarding bullying in social media on the internet as a whole. When people leave mean stuff directed at others I wish for them to give pause and ask themselves... What kind of person treats others the way themselves would not want to be treated and if so what kind of person does that make them?

They need to understand the day will come they too, having their own foibles, can be exploited and have those used against them?

If anyone still lacks empathy or understanding of my words, there's very little I could say to convince someone otherwise.

Anyone Can End Up Homeless!

"There but for the grace of God, go I"

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