Saturday, May 31, 2014

Taking A Break

If anyone has anything on their mind drop me a line, but for now for one reason or another I haven't felt a compulsion to blog. I'm not sure if it's because I have one hell of a cold for the last week or some sort of shift in attitude over the last few days. It's not like I don't have a bunch of opinions. It just seems to me some of the ludicrous things that transpired and what was said in the news is so far out there it's not worth my time or effort to blog about them.

I will give you just two examples* Eric K. Shinseki resigned as secretary of veterans affairs Friday- We've lost one of the most ethical men to ever have been in charge of the VA. When I watched the 4 hour House hearings with him, only four representatives from the house showed up. Yet 100's of political assholes from both aisles in congress went to the press calling for his resignation w/o giving him a fair hearing. Why the hell would any decent honest well qualified person ever want to be in charge of anything when these assholes time after time called for political beheadings that destroys all the good works one does over a lifetime?

* Benghazi Bullshit. Prior to Benghazi, there were 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush. Where was the congressional outrage and investigations?
These are just two examples of pure political bullshit not worth my time blogging about because anyone with a half of brain are intelligent enough to already know this. Same goes with my posts on alternative energies.

My other interest is in philosophical discussion
Apparently my posting seem too far out there for most peoples tastes. Take for example Neil deGrasse Tyson says aliens might find humans too stupid to bother making contact with them. I did consider a post about Jesus being actually an ambassador sent by aliens to Earth who's mission it was to determine whether humans were capable of being integrated into their culture. Yeah well, if that was the case we certainly screwed ourselves didn't we!

There's no interactions on this blog. I'm just not connecting with others who are thinking beyond those things I consider common everyday bullshit nonsense. Topics that are outside-the-box of everyday items in the news.

At this point I assume most consider me and this blog too far ideologically out there worthy of interacting with. Hence my lack of enthusiasm (at least for the moment) to come up with a bunch of daily postings about everyday nonsense. Especially the kind of everyday bullshit that people throw at one another.

So for now, until something really inspires me, I'm laying low and will only post occasionally. Far less then before. There's already enough noise out there. Why should I add to it?

"What are words for when no one listens anymore
What are words for when no one listens
What are words for when no one listens it's no use talkin at all"

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