Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Really Tough Not To Take The Bait

It's really becoming tougher and tougher for this blogger not to take the bait and refute the claims made in the media by so many. There's just too many of them that it's become overwhelming so I've been trying to ignore them. However I'll slap together a few of them for the purpose demonstrating why I haven't spoken of them over the last few days.

Prayer Before Public Meetings
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday by 5-4 local officials can open public meetings with Christian prayers. Just goes to show that the U.S. Supreme is not perfect nor above playing politics. One would think if the framers of the constitution intended for 'Christianity' they would have used the word specifically. No where is it either mentioned nor implied.

Reductio ad Hitlerum
Speaking towards critics of that decision some ignorant idiot radio host on Fox News said Hitler excluded Christianity., "The Germans tried it with Hitler. It didn’t work out very well with them.". Like I've always said, if you want to learn anything about the real facts don't watch Fix Fox News. "In his semi-autobiographical Mein Kampf (1925/6), he makes a number of religious allusions, claiming to fulfill the will of the Christian God and having been chosen by providence. In a 1928 speech he said: "We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity ... in fact our movement is Christian."

Hitler used Christianity as a means to con the German people which led to atrocities unimaginable. Our forefathers had the insight based on their understanding of previous history far earlier then Germany's rise to include protections in the constitution that apparently our brain dead Supremes and current crop of politicos are no longer capable.

Women's Pay Equality
Elisabeth Hasselbeck on Tuesday suggested that women who made more than their husbands could be a “recipe for disaster". Apparently she supports a study that says 5 times more men are prone to cheat on their spouses who make more money. So go ahead women stay barefoot and pregnant if ya wanna keep your man. I'm not sure it works the other way around as an excuse for women who earn less then their husband.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck makes about $1 million a year at FOX and is worth a reported $12 million. She's married to Tim Hasselbeck a retired quarterback. He is worth a reported $12 million also. So I'm sure she's qualified to speak towards those of us who income disparities are worth far less then those two.

If Ya Can't Beat em' At The Polls..
Impeach Them-- "Pennsylvania House Democrats walk out of hearing on Kathleen Kane impeachment plan.

Investigate them-- Hold 13 hearings over Benghazi, Libya

Prosecute officials appointed by Obama and block his nominations.

Sen. Compares Obamacare to Concentration Camps
"State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) caused a stir Monday morning when he wrote on his personal blog that "Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for 'train rides' for Jews in the 40s."

A Few More Idiots I've Found It Hard To Resist Responding To

Fox Host Wants TV Meteorologists To Ask Obama About Benghazi

Glenn Beck says God told him directly he is coming back to kick some ass.

AL pastor offered to baby sit 13-year-old, then took her to his church and raped her

Landlord Demands Current Tenants Prove They Make At Least $100K To Keep Apartments

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) Constitution only protects Americans who ‘cling to God and guns’

There are far too many assholes that shouldn't be receiving anymore attention then I've already given them in this post. It isn't that I'm not aware of these stooges. It just that I've chosen to mostly ignore them. I only brought this up as a matter of pointing out a few examples of the stories I'm trying not to concentrate my efforts on. By even mentioning them it is giving them the attention they don't deserve.

I just wanted to make people aware that I am familiar with the kind of fools that walk this Earth. I also wanted to point out how hard it is to resist taking the bait of the low hanging fruit these wingnuts provide.

Enough said
Unless someone wants to discuss these further, most of this kind of stuff I'm not usually prone to blog about. Any thoughts?

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