Wednesday, June 12, 2013

NSA Leak: Is Edward Snowden A Traitor?

I find irony in all of this. Washington, D.C. has it's panties in a twist over the fact that this guy exposed government documents that indicated the U.S. is snooping on our emails, phone calls and internet activity. The U.S. government considers Ed's snooping around on it a criminal act, but when government does the snooping it's A-OK.

Is this a bit like calling the tea kettle black?

We are asked to trust the government. Should we not ask the same of "our" government?

Yes I know there are bad guys out there, but I'm not sure we can assume everyone in government wears a white hat either. Hero or traitor, the guy brought this to international attention. So the main issue here isn't Snowden. It's to what degree the citizens of the world wish to empower "THEIR" governments?

How can it be OK to snoop on us, but not OK to snoop on those to whom we've entrusted who then keep secrets from us? Are they not supposedly subservient to us, rather then the other way around?

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