Monday, June 10, 2013

Cedar Beach + Allentown's Family Owned Businesses (circa 50's)

Reposted from Monday, August 3, 2009

Click on any these to view in larger size

My 'late' Step Sister was a life guard @ Cedar Beach
(at what is known today as Muhlenberg Lake)
Glenna & Charlie the duck
My Dad & I

Since I dragged out the old pixs, here's couple more that might be of interest...

The 'Late' Fred GrossHe was the cop stationed at 9th & Hamilton
for over 45 years.

The Projectors @ the former
Rialto Theatre (10th & Hamilton)

There was once upon a time you need only mention a store and you'd know who that family was because their reputation and name was on it. One thread they all had in common, both they and their families lived and worked right here in Allentown.

A few other instant recognition family business names: THE-
Bermans' (dept store/rental)
Zollingers' (dept store)
Lehs' (dept. store)
Youngs' (hardware)
Traylors' (hotel)
Millers' (newspaper)
Korr's (plumbing supplies & Rialto)
Walsons' (Service Electric)
Roths' (florist)
Webers' (funeral)
Burkholders' (funeral)
Stephens' (funeral)

so.. so.. many more!

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