Sunday, February 27, 2022

Ukrainian-Russian Border ( One Day Before Invasion ) VIDEO UPDATE

I've followed this guy for months (bald and bankrupt). He's constantly taken us viewers places others have not. Mostly backwood towns and abandoned former Russian buildings. The videos he records are very raw and straight forward.

A week now seems a lifetime ago in terms of the rapidly changing events in Ukraine. I arrived in the country thinking to myself 'Putin isn't mad enough to invade because the Ukrainian people will fight to the death for their country. It will be like Stalingrad.' And yet I was completely wrong to underestimate his insanity. Now as I write this the people who I met in this video are living under bombs and bullets. Unbelievable how much suffering Ukrain e has gone through in its history.
I could write so much but I will leave that until my next video. In the meantime I wish the people of Ukraine well and hope for their safety in this terrible war

I've always found myself better informed with his unique style of travelogues.  Check out HIS CHANNEL if you're interested in more of them.

bald and bankrupt VIDEO UPDATE

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