Saturday, September 4, 2021

The Haves And Have Nots Getting Worse

Freed from traditional offices, remote workers are relocating all over the country, fueling "Zoom booms" in remote towns. In Crested Butte, Colorado, the new influx is leaving locals with nowhere to live, prompting the town to declare a housing emergency.

So let me see if I get this correct.
Locals have to live in tents, cars and trucks so wealthy can enjoy their 2nd and 3rd homes served by them. Well this sucks. It reminds me of indentured servitude. This restaurant lady pays them whereupon they give half or more of the salary back to her to live in one of her rentals.

The gap between those who have money and those who have not are getting wider each passing month. We see this in most of the third world countries around the world. If this inequity is not addressed the United States could become one like them. If there could be one thing worse then socialism it's capitalism run amuck. Unfortunately all indications are we are headed in that direction.

Talk about going full circle.
Seems to me we're headed back to a time miners, ranch hands, plantation/farm workers, cement factory employees and others had to live like this. So much for the American dream. More like a nightmarish future for some. The way ahead not looking too bright if this trend continues unabated.

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