Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Covid Doesn't Give A Crap What People Think

Daily Covid-19 case average is more than 3 times higher than it was last Labor Day
"The United States' seven-day average of new cases Monday (137,270 daily) dwarfs the average seen on Labor Day of last year (39,355 daily), according to Johns Hopkins University data."

As I surmised Covid never has given up the fight. It was just waiting in the wings till people got sloppy. Well here we are folks. I expect by October this whole thing is going to get out of control (especially in the schools).

It doesn't matter one iota what people want to believe. The virus itself couldn't be concerned less what happens despite all the screaming, hollering and bickering with one another. Sometimes the human race has to learn the hard way. This is one of those times.

It's shame so many innocents who do the right thing have to suffer because far too many others choose to be jackasses.


  1. The sooner everyone get the virus, the sooner it will recede.

  2. 99% survive the virus and gain immunity, it looks like many vaccinated are getting infected and will also get real immunity.

    1. "real immunity"? You don't know what you're talking about. A number of people caught the Covid mutations after they already had 19. Obviously you know nothing about how mRNA vaccines work. You do realize no matter how many times one contracts a viral STD they'll have no immunity from contracting it again. So much for your damned immunity theory.

      We're not just talking about surviving. In most cases there are long lasting (sometimes permanent) damages because of Covid. Then there's those who survived after infecting other members of their family who did not.

      If you had actually watched the videos you would have learned plenty of people are not getting treatment for other conditions because almost everyone in the critical care units are unvaccinated tying up the ever dwindling staff.


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