Thursday, August 13, 2020

Another Voter Suppression Concern
The Eviction Crisis Could Compound Voter Suppression
"Over 20 million Americans could be evicted by the end of September due to the current economic crisis, with 30 to 40 million facing eviction by December... Voters may have to figure out how to re-register to vote in a new area, ensure that they don’t miss the registration deadline, figure out which polling place they can vote at and get themselves to that polling place, where they could be turned away if the address on their ID doesn’t match their voter registration. If they want to vote by mail ― a practice that has exploded in popularity due to the COVID-19 pandemic ― they will have to change their address.... Voters who are evicted could be effectively disenfranchised as a result"

As if 2020 didn't present enough problems already.

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