Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Pandemic Aid: Churches Made Out Like Bandits

Evangelical Megachurch With Close Ties To Trump Approved for Millions In Pandemic Aid
" WASHINGTON, July 6 (Reuters) - A Dallas megachurch whose pastor has been a vocal supporter of President Donald Trump was approved for a forgivable loan worth $2 million to $5 million, according to long-awaited government data released on Monday.

Vice President Mike Pence spoke at a rally last month at the First Baptist Church of Dallas, whose pastor, Robert Jeffress, has been on Trump’s evangelical advisory board.

It was among the [84,000] tens of thousands of religious organizations that received a total of $7.3 billion in pandemic aid from the Small Business Administration."

Imagine how many small owners of restaurants, barbershops, hairdressers, bars and 1,000's of others could have benefited. Most all of them paying taxes. Many of which are certain to be unable to sustain. I find it truly disgusting public money was used this way.

Clearly the constitution states there should be a separation of church and government. Seems to me to be a one way street whenever it benefits them. Another when it does not. They have a pretty good racket going if you ask me. What other business could sell an invisible product with no guaranteed benefits or if there even was one that existed?

In my opinion this whole pandemic stimulus program is turning out to be a money grab in which the ones who needed it the most are getting the least (if any). No doubt pharmaceuticals will make out like bandits too. After seeing what happened with the 2008 bailouts imagine my surprise. Metaphorically speaking, the government is throwing another feast and peasants aren't invited. Instead the peasantry will be expected to pick up the tab as usual. Surprised?


  1. Our Senators and Representatives knew this was going to happen and did it anyway.Saw Pelosi's husband made out along with many others.Yes,no surprises here.

  2. Yes I did ! I mentioned Speaker Pelosi because she always claims to represent the working class.Another prime example of legislators passing something ,anything to help the people.We should be seeing more stimulus rip-offs in the coming weeks

    1. Ok let's straighten this shit out. The house had in it's bill a passage which required a bipartisan oversight panel be formed to pass out the stimulus money. Republicans objected. Wanted the Trump administration to handle it instead. So rather then holding up the money for months of unending debate the house thought it prudent to pass it quickly. The result you see is not because they were sloppy. Your bias is showing.

    2. You may also recall the House oversight committee requested this data. The request was denied for over a month by this administration until it threatened to take legal action. Kushner got money along with many other Trump donors as well. Now you see why the administration was reluctant.

      To be fair maybe they on both sides were qualified. Maybe they weren't. That would require a huge posts and take some time to digest since the list just was released.

      However this post was about churches getting their hands on the loot. That much we already know. In the coming weeks a lot will be uncovered. Much of it beyond the scope of this blog. I have no intentions of consuming myself with lengthily never ending investigative posts. Nor interested in defending myself for everything I'd say in them.

      I mentioned churches getting money and right away (you like others) start debating me over politics. In the end I spend more time then was ever intended supply facts. The comment above wasn't in defense of liberals accusations against conservatives. Just the facts. But I'm sure you won't take it that way.


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