Thursday, June 18, 2020

Atlanta Police Department Morale Low

Maybe they should stay out. According to these Atlanta TV reports over the years it seems to me Georgia has had, and still does have lots of rotten apples. Seems to me cops who follow good procedure needn't worry. I suspect the ones not reporting for duty are the ones who are unwilling to accept any authority over them. It's worrisome.

I realize many of these cops feel picked on. If they feel "picked on" imagine how these people felt in the following videos. They need to try and put themselves in these citizens places when they've had encounters with them.

Good Samaritan arrested after saving woman's life

Drivers arrested while stone cold sober






I found many more like them. Is it any wonder why people are outraged down there demanding reforms? Yes there are plenty good cops, but obviously there's a huge need for policing policy changes as well. Including reforms which will reward and protect whistleblowers so bad cops can be weeded out. Right now the most threatening thing any cop may face is if they were to report one of their own. If they can't be made to feel safe from these rotten apples what chance have any of us. Things need to change. Things shouldn't go on they way they have. As a whole it's not good for them nor the citizens they interact with.

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