Thursday, July 25, 2019

AG Barr Reinstates The Federal Death Penalty

NBC News
Barr also directed the federal government to schedule the executions of five death-row inmates convicted of murder.
"Attorney General William Barr has ordered the reinstatement of the federal death penalty after a 16-year pause, the Department of Justice announced Thursday."

Does the death penalty deter someone from taking the life of another?


  1. Why now ? I find it hard to believe the death penalty is not cruel and unusual punishment

    1. Coupla things...
      (1) Oops made a bad conviction. Execution cannot be undone.
      (2) When government gets to decide who lives and dies it usually doesn't end up well.
      (3) AG says it's never OK to take the life of another (except when he does it)
      (4) If you want to punish someone it seems to me locking someone up in a cage for life is far worse punishment.

      We're finding through research there is a part of the brain which regulates how some cannot control their behavior. The question then becomes is a person truly evil or a victim of a mental deficiency within their brain. Of course we can't have them running around in the streets BUT... what if one day there would be a operation or drug which could correct such a condition? AND.. a lifer voluntarily opted for such a treatment?

      Perhaps there will come a day in the future when we're advanced enough to realize murder and other crimes need treatment rather then punishment. Till that day cages will suffice, but I don't find legally murdering them as a solution to end the problem. We've done this for centuries and yet there are as many (if not more) then there always was.

  2. An operation or drug to control such behavior.I believe the Government did this over the years.Chemical castration comes to mind.These medical experiments always seemed to be preformed on the most vulnerable members of society,prisoners and folks on the bottom layer of the social/economic chaste system


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