Saturday, November 10, 2018

Voting Doesn't Need Be This Complicated

Imagine if you will what would happen if banks and retailers would conduct business the same way states do when it comes to voting. I mean, come on really how hard could it be to create a national database fed by each registration office who would issue these individual cards.

People would have 24 hours to either physically swipe their cards at a location or enter them online. Thus ending these insanely long lines, the need for so many poll volunteers or wait days, sometimes weeks for election results.

(1) It wouldn't be that hard to have triple verification. Each use of the card would go to three separate banks of servers administered by three separate entities. All which would have to match.

(2) Each person gets a separate transaction number which either they or the polling station prints out helping prevent duplicate voting. Everyone who wished could check online their transaction number to verify their votes were recorded correctly.

(3) Any stolen, missing cards or incorrect votes could be invalidated attributable to any particular card.

(4) If each county registration office had access to some sort of national database it would make it a lot easier for them to verify a person's citizenship status and whether they were registered in other states at the same time.

I honestly don't see why we make this so damned harder then things have to be. Maybe we just like bitching more then actually solving these kind of problems each and every election.


  1. I voted for 30 + years in South Allentown before I moved South and never h ad 1 issue and never encountered a line. I have no idea what happened to entire voting process but it has deteriorated over the years.I voted in Garden City last Tuesday and there were more people in line than the last 3 Presidential elections.

    1. We had no problems either, but to hear it ours might be the exception.


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