Easton Express reports, A long-delayed cafe is finally opening--"Now, after months of renovation and planning, Cafe Frais is getting ready to open at 2301 West Liberty Street, the former location of Campus Luncheonette and Store
Frequently when I bought my lottery tickets from Gordon (the former owner) he and his wife expressed their frustrations why it was taking so long to complete the transaction of selling the store. Upon learning all of this I think it is a good thing all the way around. Good for the college students. Good for Gordon and his wife as well for the neighborhood. Not so much for the business across the corner.
Not too long after Gordon bought the campus shop he discontinued making food. He and his wife relied entirely for their income on it being a postal substation and in the sale of lottery tickets. Neither he nor the wife wanted Muhlenberg college students business.
Prior he and the wife had a small income from renting the barbershop I use to go to beneath the store. But Tony retired years ago leaving the shop empty..
In short I see this as a plus all the way around for everyone (except for the pizza joint across the street).
Another One Of Our Favorite TV Shows Bit The Dust
It was announced Major Crimes’ is ending with Season 6 on TNT--"TNT announced... Season 6, which premieres Oct. 31, will end the show’s run... The two-part series finale is scheduled for Jan. 16.
It was one of only three others we use to enjoy, Leaving us with only one other we're still watching on TNT. The cable channel is a subsidiary of Time-Warner (HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers, 50% ownership of the CW Network). I find it ironic in this day and age where consolidation seems to be the norm these companies have chosen instead to spread themselves thin. Maybe it's me but wouldn't it be better business to have viewers watch six shows on one network rather then one show on six?
Same goes with SiFi--who changed it's name to SyFy--which since ended all the programs we use to tune into. Ending our viewing of it completely. It's become more like the slasher horror channel. Maybe another name might be more fitting of the programming which they've become.
16 Years And Still Counting
TPM: Afghan Troop Boost To Cost $1B More Yearly, $12.5B Total--"The U.S. military’s top leaders told lawmakers Tuesday that the thousands of additional U.S. troops President Donald Trump has ordered to Afghanistan will cost just over $1 billion a year, bringing the total bill for fighting America’s longest war to $12.5 billion annually."
Look I'm all for encouraging other countries to become free democracies BUT after spending billions upon billions of dollars to become so at the point of a gun--when is enough, enough?
Recently China signed an agreement with Afghanistan for their lithium resources. About all we got out of this is more of our soldiers' blood spilt and the heroin trafficking in return for our dollars since Russia withdrew it's forces. Face it. When it comes to wrecking things and blowing stuff up we're good at it. Nation building--not so much.
Shouldn't we just admit the truth and cut our loses like Russia had?
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