Sunday, November 8, 2015

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Nightmare

I've been railing against these trade deals for years.
No matter my worse fears, they were nothing compared to this TPP deal.

"4 Major Expansion of the Race to Lower Wages through Expanded Immigration" ...Chapters 10 and 12 expand the number of L1 worker visas and the number of tourist visas permitted for business purposes, placing no limits foreign skilled workers. Under Chapter 10, foreign corporations coming to the United States to compete with US companies who bring their employees with them do not have to pay US wages... If the US does not allow foreign corporations entry into the US, it can be sued in the corporate trade tribunals and be forced to do so. On top of this there is no enforcement of labor standards unless the US government decides to sue in a trade tribunal.

8 End of Buy America: The TPP prevents the Federal Government from giving preference to US-manufactured products in their purchases, known as “Buy America.” Foreign bidders must be treated as equal to US bidders. This means the federal government cannot stimulate the economy by creating jobs within its own borders... The TPP requires negotiations within three years on applying these rules to state and local governments to ban “Buy America” or buy local preferences at those levels as well"

The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History
By Chris Hedges / Truthdig (11/6/2015)
"The TPP removes legislative authority from Congress and the White House on a range of issues. Judicial power is often surrendered to three-person trade tribunals in which only corporations are permitted to sue. Workers, environmental and advocacy groups and labor unions are blocked from seeking redress in the proposed tribunals..

Congress cannot raise concerns about the effects of the TPP on the environment. It can only vote yes or no. It is powerless to modify or change one word.

Fifty-one percent of working Americans now make less than $30,000 a year, a new study by the Social Security Administration reported. Forty percent are making less than $20,000 a year."

My Comments About The Articles Above
As if this international agreement weren't bad enough I find it appalling it forces within 3 years state and local governments to comply and "ban “Buy America” or buy local preferences" as well.

This Sucks Worse Then You May Think
Suppose Pennsylvania were to have set up Allentown's NIZ zone three years from now instead of when it did. At that time it would be illegal for the ANIZDA or developers to reject foreign manufactured building materials. So too rejecting foreign held corporations competing on American soil. Thus forcing ANIZDA to consider them for the project along with their right to bring in an unlimited number of "skilled workers" holding H1-B VISAs.

This agreement also means whichever President we choose in the next election will have his or her hands completely tied no matter how America votes.

Folks we heard about the day the world's wealthy would one day take over the world and it's governments (federal, state & local). With this one great big and final push it looks like that day is just around the corner.

Texts Of The Agreement

The Blockbuster Disaster of the TPP (11/6/2015)

Bernie Sanders- TPP: A Raw Deal for America (April 2015)

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts In Addendum:

    (1) It's pathetic 'Russian TV' presented this on one of their programs. It speaks volumes when the three major corporate controlled cable news outlets withheld this information or chose not to air it The key words here are "corporate controlled". This is why the internet is so important today. It's become the guardian of Democracy over what newspapers/TV were once meant to protect by investigating and reporting on those who'd weaken or destroy our country's way of life.

    (2) 90% who will visit this post in the days ahead will not spend the time to either read or watch the videos. In short most people don't give a rats ass. Other then the remaining 10% who will spend more then a minute after clicking here, these kind of posts are irrelevant. However those 90% will be the first to bitch and moan when it hits home being unaware of how and why this stuff happens. I am aware of this via my 'statcounter' statistics and comments left elsewhere. This doesn't mean I will not direct future posts to those who so few still care.

    (3) Participation:
    Still astounds me how 100's of comments are left elsewhere over far less concerns. The vast majority of those who comment in social media are anonymous as myself. I have yet to figure out why a name attached to a blog, comment or news publisher means they have any more insight or influence over situations then I or anyone else. Social media is suppose to engage one another in thoughts and issues. Not so much who somebody is or what power others think they may hold power over changing things. But hey, if people want to shoot off their mouths anonymously thinking themselves to have more importance rather then the issues I or other present... whom am I to disagree?

    That's the way I look at things.

    BTW: I'm certain only 1 in 20 or so will bother clicking to this comment
    If you're one of them... consider yourself special :-)


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