Tuesday, December 26, 2023

A Bunch Of Random Thoughts

Isreal Hamas War:
Between Hamas and Israeli combatants which are suppose to be the good guys at this point? Is this war one of retaliation or ethnic cleansing.

The Presidential Election:
Trump/Biden.. out of 300 million some people these two are the best we can do? Why would an honest intelligent person even want such a thankless a job?

Illegal Immigrants:
Maybe if the United States would stop sanctioning and meddling in South American nations there wouldn't be this problem. Karma?

If congress spent just 10% of the time doing what they were elected to do instead of trying to destroy one another the American voters would be forever grateful. The U.S. budget is over $6.3 trillion dollars. How many in congress even know how to budget their own personal financials considering they have other people do it for them? I would like to see each of them on TV series day at a time play 'The 'Price Is Right'.

Speaking Of Congress:
I watch C-Span off and on when they air the so called committee hearings. At least half turn out of be a game of let's humiliate and burn the witnesses. Seems all those members already know all the answers. After asking a 3 minute question and repeatedly interrupting the witness testimony every 3 seconds seems pointless to me. Often times guys like Ted Cruz and others aren't even there for the whole hearing. They walk in take their shots and leave. A hit and run so to speak I have yet to see any one of them whose mind was changed from when they walked in the room. A shit show for the public as far as I'm concerned. All the real sausage getting made is behind closed door hearings.

TV Commercials:
Yes I know they need revenue but is 10 minutes necessary for every 30 minutes? Between program intros and end credits we're lucky to get 18 or so minutes of actual entertainment. Then there's pharmaceutical ads. Is there anyone you know who only pays $5 a prescription they claim is possible? I have HD TV but I'll be damned if I can read the fine print at the bottom of these ads they flash for 2 seconds! Seen an ad today car customers could get up to $14,000 back on one of the car manufacturers new vehicles. Bait & Switch?

Sports Betting:
With several billion dollars involved it makes me question how legitimate these games are. Speaking of gambling, how about them big lotto drawings. The lotto itself gets half before announcing a big prize. One which may (if taking cash option) only be worth 50% or less after taxes. In other words out of 1 million dollars in revenue players end up with only about 25%. With government involved in gambling and now marijuana sales, prostitution can't be far behind. Yea I know there are some damn good jokes I could make about that.

Change My Password. Keep my information safe?
Are you kidding me! Big time hackers have hit the bonanza many times by scanning the servers whom we do business with. Passwords, users names, third party verification have become almost meaningless when businesses themselves have been subject to hackers who've gotten 10's of millions of pieces of information despite our individual best efforts. Some states have even sold some of their DMV info. I just read Google has removed a bunch of VPN (Virtual Private Network) encryption apps. Seems they were downloading spyware. So here were a bunch of people trying to keep their identities safe yet resulted in just the opposite. I never did trust the damn things knowing every time you click it went to one of these providers for encryption. What makes anyone think these VPN providers were some kind of saints?

Well I have lots more thoughts but that's about it for the day.

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