Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Some Trump Rally Goers Have More In Common With My Views Then I Thought

People are frustrated. There's no candidates out there as far as I can see that will alleviate that frustration.


  1. Trump is not really what the news media claims. Never has been. His policies are rock solid in support of the middle class.

    There is absolutely no doubt our current government in Washington no longer functions in our best interest, but in the interests of the global corporate masters who fund their campaigns. Lying and cheating has destroyed America.

  2. Trump is worse then what the news media claims. Always was. Always will be. Trump could care less about the middle class or even the United States for that matter. All he cares about is himself. He shows that every day with yet something or someone else he trash talks about. Yes we need a completely different kind ofleader.. but Trump sure as hell ain't the one.


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