Saturday, March 11, 2023

Random Thoughts

Lots of flame throwers in Washington (You Know Who They Are). Seeking and wanton of a lot of attention. Are you paying attention or ignoring them?

When Walt died so did his vision for the Disney franchise. I'd think he'd be abhorred by what it has become.

He said.. She said: News today has become more like gossip mongering. I have a mostly "who cares" attitude for this kind of reporting.

Social media.. 80% trash talk. Only 20% useful by those making comments.

Most of today's U.S. high wage earners rely on B.S. Whatever happened to actually making things instead of remarketing or overseeing others labors? The U.S. became great from the bottom up. Not the top down.

Tucker Carlson over at FOX is doing exactly what he's paid to do. He understands the more outrageous, the more attention (advertising dollars). So what if he's destroying the nation in the process. He could care less (no soul). Yet far too many people consume it like an addiction to heroin. I've come to the conclusion there's no reasoning with his addicts. I'm reluctant to even mention this because just mentioning his name gives more power to this evil.

Technology was to make our life easier. Instead things have become more complicated in all so many ways.

Times have changed. We used to have trust before proven otherwise. These days it has become the opposite in almost all circumstances.

Can we have opinions without being described as either republicans or democrats?

What would happen if suddenly our entire electric dependence would go away? Could we survive for a month?

Is there anything a person could say that would not result in a debate?

Why do some end up single mothers with a bunch of kids we are made to feel guilty for not supporting? Whatever happened to individual responsibility for ones own self made dilemma (birth control)?

I am neither a liberal or conservative. On some issues I'm one or the other. I truly believe we can't count entirely on others for the choices we make. On the other hand life sometimes lands us in hard places through no fault of our own. So many have shit luck. Many others great luck. We all need to acknowledge this truth act and relate accordingly depending on the circumstance. I am you and you are me in one way or another.


  1. There is NO doubt in my mind America is being destroyed from within. We are going down hard as we digress into a totalitarian form of government. Examples of moral and civic decline are everywhere. They’re plain to see, but only for those willing to look without regard to political party label.

    I’m entering my mid-70s. According to average life expectancy tables, and the depth of America’s decline, I’m sure I’ll miss most of the government damage ahead. But it’s mounting. I

    If asked to name the biggest reasons why the takeover of this nation continues, my answer is the abundance of LYING and HYPOCRISY in America.

    Politicians, government agencies, the news agencies, entertainers, medical associations, corporations, judges, and even public school officials.

    All are guilty at some level. It is foolish to fully trust what these groups tell us. We are truly on our own from this point forward.


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