Friday, November 11, 2022

The Problem of Illegal Aliens

Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: January 15, 1978


(1) Was a time when TV hosts asked questions then allowed their guest to fully respond.
(2) This came from a time I voted Republican (before they become what they are today).
(3) William F. Buckley was not a screamer. He would likely bore today's audiences.
(4) This goes to show immigration has always been a problem since the U.S. was formed.

I've not posted much recently because I'm disgusted with nearly the whole lot. Both those on TV. The politicians themselves and the way people react today on social media. It exhaust me. We've come to act more like screaming idiots rather then rational well spoken intelligent beings. I have no taste for it. Thus why so few posts.

I've predicted for weeks Elon Musk will destroy Twitter by the end of the month. He's a fool who thinks he can kick everyone aside and do everything himself. He can't. I feel Trump has gotten so far out of whack he won't be a player with the majority of level headed republicans. Even if there's few left of them. Our mayor in Allentown has become a ribbon cutting feel good mayor doing little to improve the negative things going on in this town. He has avoided the big issues that we need to resolve. Don't even get me started on the Allentown School District.

Sorry if I sound negative but I remember when people in all corners were a lot more respectful. A helluva lot more intelligent and offered solutions rather then bitching out anyone foolish enough to enter leadership positions both in private and government. When we never knew what positions entertainers or sports figures took. They simply performed leaving us all the better for it while keeping their mouth shut.

So that's where I'm at right now. Not inclined to engage since it isn't bringing me joy to report or complain about things going on. Besides it wouldn't change one thing. I've been spending a lot more time catching up on movies I missed and other things which remind me when people weren't so damned paranoid and angry. Stay tuned I'll post again when it seems appropriate for me to do so. In the meantime here's something I recently found which I did enjoy...

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