Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Complaining Solves Nothing

Nearly everyone bitches about homelessness, shootings, property taxes and the lack of affordable healthcare among many more. What I'm not hearing from people bitching the most are practical commonsense solutions. In my opinion these should never be made public. Not on a media report nor comment on social media. Not a single one that doesn't offer a suggestion to help solve the problem. If that were the case nearly all the divisiveness we're experiencing would cease to exist.

Almost everything ends up with finger pointing complaining what a jerk someone else is or how Democrats or Republicans are screwing things up. I'm fed up with all this finger pointing We all agree what the problems are. Anyone who just wants to complain without offering a solution needs to shut their pie hole. Enough already

Fact is most of this crap has been going on decade after decade. I don't doubt we'll still be dealing with this garbage for many more decades to come. Which makes me wonder how sincere are we at resolving any of this. Some continue making a nice living off of these issues. Others rather bitch then ever consider changing their ways. I, for one, am tired of this BS.


  1. I respectfully disagree.The current 'Vaping Crisis' is prime example.We are not over the opiate crisis ,now we must ban this Vape business.I know nobody who vapes.That being said how can vape companies advertise on T.V. when tobacco ads were banned 40 years

    1. I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. I agree with the opiate and vaping problems, but lets see how long it takes for actions (and what kind of actions) follow the rhetoric. Even though tobacco advertising has been squelched they're still allow to sell them.

      Will marijuana usage become a similar problem like the opiates in the future by over prescribing and over hyping it's so called benefits?

      Unless I see hard legislation I'm not certain in the end actual solutions will come about. It's more likely after we shake down the vapers (like we did smokers) for a huge amount of money both they and the opiate makers will still be around for a long time. Same with the Google shakedowns for money. Pay the piper and everyone gets to live another day.

      Like I said in the last paragraph, " makes me wonder how sincere are we at resolving any of this. Some continue making a nice living off of these issues".

    2. I heard a news reader today report that juvenile criminal records are not used for criminal background checks for firearms purchases.I do not believe our Senators and Congressman were this incompetent.I did do some preliminary research and still have not found a definitive answer to the juvenile records being accessible for firearms background checks Best Regards, Bill


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