Saturday, August 31, 2024

Passenger Rail Doesn't Make Financial Sense

Repost From January 2014

Local advocates who are still breezing around the Lehigh Valley advocating for passenger rail service aren't going to like what I'm about to say. disclosed the top salaries of Amtrak executives. That's not what struck me as the most important part of what was written.

What I found most enlightening was despite 85,000 passengers a day riding Amtrak's 300 trains in 2012 taxpayers still had to kick in another $1.3 billion on top of the fares!

If you check out Amtrak's latest budget report released on January 3, 2014 financially things aren't looking a whole lot different for 2013. According to the latest yearend projections (as of September 2013) Amtrak's looking at a net operations loss of around $1.125 billion.

Those who disagree with my prior posts critical of the cost and practicality of rail transportation might argue we spend lots more on highways. My answer would be.. ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Amtrak's 85,000 passengers a day represent only a teeny tiny fraction of America's daily travelers. The Schuylkill Expressway in Philadelphia alone handles 163,000 vehicles a day which contain multiple passengers. Common sense dictates here we have a highway that handles well over twice the number people and in no way conceivable cost us $1.3 billion a year to operate.

There certainly are good reasons to support trains carrying freight. This is an area where rails excel in costs and are a plus when it comes to relieving big rig traffic on the highways.

However, as far as passenger rail, I remain steadfast in my opposition. One time they made sense before the interstates were built or the majority of people didn't have access to their own transportation. Technology moves on. Alas passenger trains now belong in our nostalgic thoughts and museums alongside horse buggies, canal barges and kerosene lanterns. The practicality for them no longer exists.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Cautionary Tale Concerning Rehabilitating Inmates


According to Wikipedia, "On 1 April (1924), Hitler was sentenced to five years' imprisonment at Landsberg Prison. There, he received friendly treatment from the guards, and he was allowed mail from supporters and regular visits by party comrades.

The Bavarian Supreme Court issued a pardon, and he was released from jail on 20 December 1924, against the state prosecutor's objections...

While at Landsberg, Hitler dictated most of the first volume of Mein Kampf (My Struggle; originally entitled Four and a Half Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice) to his deputy, Rudolf Hess."

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Can We Make America Great Again?

Repost From December 2016

As They Say Around Here-- No Hess's Department Store Isn't Coming Back
When people speak of making America great again they're speaking towards the 50's (after the war). Indeed America boomed mightily here's why. During the war Europe's factories were devastated. Fighting forces targeted car plants that could manufacture tanks, planes and vehicles which could be used against them. Europe's producers of steel also suffered from bombings. So did the textile and food factories.

I would think it shouldn't be hard to understand why we did so well after the war. The United States escaped all the damages to it's factories that Europe suffered. Europe needed everything to rebuild. Factories from the U.S. were humming along at full steam hiring and producing untold amounts of textiles, steel and whatever else Europe could get it's hands on. We were the only game in town.

Europe purchased these by the United States granting credit. Whether all of it was paid back is not the issue. Every company in America was getting paid to produce these supplies therefore hired huge numbers of workers to produce them.

Herein lies a three fold problem. (1) As Europe rebuilt their factories they bought the latest equipment available at the time. (2) Since our factories weren't destroyed they were still operating with equipment from the 30's and 40's. (3) Thus as more and more of Europe's factories came online they needed less and less of our stuff.

Which brings us to situation we find ourselves in today. Yes we still are a major player, but it never will it be like it was in the 50's. Even if we could brig back every company that relocated outside ours-- these still wouldn't bring back the same number of jobs. If companies were forced to return they (like Europe did) would rely on more automation then the cheap labor in foreign countries they do now. One thing's for sure-- there's no way any would have the need for the amount of laborers required to make things like they did in the 50's.

When we speak in terms of "making this country great again" like it once was in the 50's-- it ain't never going to happen in the same way it once was made possible for us after the war. A lot happened over the last sixty years. Although there's been lots of battles fought none have been devastating to any of the major players since then. This has allowed Europe, China, Russia and a whole host of countries to develop countless factories in global competition with our own. No amount of trade deals, tariffs or embargos can undo the history of the progress made over these past six decades. Other countries can go lots of other places if United States attempts to put the hammer down.

The only way the United States can remain a major player is by outsmarting others with new and more efficient technology then their own. This involves creating new products people want and need. This doesn't necessarily mean cheaper but rather more inventive and better products then our competition.

Another step we can take is keeping our techniques as secret as possible in hopes of preventing knock-offs. It's important to do an even better job at our nation's ports by preventing job stealing knock-off's from gaining entry into this country.

CBS NEWS- December 16, 2016

Turning wind, solar, hydro and waste byproducts into energy can play a further role It's important to find alternative cheaper ways of producing energy as well as more efficient devices powered by these generators.

Buying local can be another contributor.

Government's Role In The Economy
Too many feel the taxes we pay government is wasted. Not necessarily. Going back to the 50's--after World War 2 the United States extended credit worth $51 billion in 1940's dollars. Some of it was paid back. Much wasn't-- however all of it went directly into American labor and companies pockets. Think of it in modern terms as a stimulus package. It fared well for us.

Last year (2015) the United States out of a budget of $3.36 trillion spent $35 billion on foreign aid (just over 1%). Excluding the pallets of loot we delivered in Iraq & Afghanistan as part of our defense supplemental appropriations-- all the rest went right back to the shareholders (taxpayers) in this country in the following ways.

One could argue who should or should not get the money-- but other then those mentioned-- none of this money is magically disappearing. It's going right back here to the good ole United States workers, investors, retirees and so forth. Indeed some could be redirected more wisely into weaker areas that require support to maintain a healthy economic balance.

Too many are arguing for spending cuts at each level of government. These people need to keep in mind this kind of spending is the largest reason why the economic wheels keep getting greased even if not done the wisest way possible in each and every case. It makes no sense constantly harping on how enacting tax cuts will eventually bring in more government revenue and be better for it's citizens.

Let's put it this way. My cable company and utility companies want to generate more revenue for their investors. What do you seriously think they'd do-- lower bills? If this garbage theory were true every year our bills would be going down instead of up. The government can be thought of much in this way. Less income means less going out to taxpayers (government's form of investors) in the form of grants, subsidies and all the other things government helps support.

No Hess Brothers department store isn't coming back again-- neither are the 50's. Those days are past. We must move on realizing the challenges we faced then are different from those we do now. At one time everyone went downtown to shop. Then malls sprung up all over the place. Such as it is with American manufacturing not being the only place the world shops. Nobody can be forced to shop downtown-- neither can the United States force the world buyers either.

Unless we come up with more creative and innovated ideas to compete much of our nation will be left behind looking like downtown Detroit and the Kentucky coal fields to name but two. Nobody- not even Donald Trump-- can succeed if we don't acknowledge the situation we're in. We can't BS our way out of this one.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Rewriting Of Fairytales


Most of the fairytales as we know them today... well let's just say they're fairytales about fairytales.

Stories which have been rewritten so as to make them more palatable for young readers and movie goers. There are several versions of what might have been written originally or handed down orally. Below are a few samples of what some of them have been.

Sleeping Beauty
In the original version it wasn't a prince that simply kissed her, thus awakening her from her slumber. It was a hunter who came across her body and raped her while she lay there unconscious. Nine months later she gave birth to twins while still remaining unconscious. At this point fairies of the forest happen across the babies. They placed one of babies on top of her for feeding who sucked a poison splinter from her thumb instead mistaking it for a nipple. Thereupon she awakened.

A few months later the hunter returned for a second helping of the unconscious babe only to now find her awake. She followed him into a barn and had sex with him despite him telling what he did to her while she lay unconscious. Well it turns out the hunter was married and when his wife found out these two's shenanigans she set about to kidnap the kids, have her cook boil them alive and serve them unbeknownst to her cheating husband. Turns out the cook couldn't bring herself to do it and cooked a goat instead. In the end the hunter left his old lady and lived happily ever after with his new girlfriend and the kids.

Long story short, Cinderella's sisters chopped off portions of their feet so they could fit into the glass slipper. In the end when the plan didn't work out the prince had a couple of birds peck out their eyes as punishment for trying to trick him.

Rapunzel was locked up in a tower for a very long time. Not only did her hair grow extremely but so did her desire to be intimate with a man. So when a prince happened to wander by she asked him to have sex with her if she'd leave down her hair for him to climb up on. Both had a pretty good thing going on for sometime till her clothes kept getting ever tighter. Turns out it wasn't because she was eating too much but rather treating too much (the prince that is). Apparently he wasn't using protection.

It seems when the witch (her captor) found out she became jealous, chopped off Rapunzel's hair, then magically transported Rapunzel who was forced then to live with a homeless beggar. She ended up broke, hungry and becoming a beggar herself in order to feed she and her hungry child . All this was unbeknownst to the prince who returned to the tower for another love making session. Instead when he got to the top of the tower, the witch who awaited him, shoved him out the window landing him in a patch of thorns which poked his eyes out. The ending in one version says the prince and Rapunzel eventually hookup and got even with the witch.

The Little Mermaid
The mermaid rather then trade her voice for legs trades her tongue. Unfortunately though she gets legs they hurt like hell every time she tries to walk. Even so in order to try and snag the prince she dances with all her heart in a failed effort to attract him unto herself. Instead the prince marries some other broad. Seeing this her mermaid sisters cut off their hair and sell it for a magical dagger. The mermaid is then told to cut up the prince and let his blood drip on her feet. If she does this she will get her fins back.

She does sneak up on him but can't bring herself to it, instead jumps back into the sea and drowns. Later the writer of the fairytale (Hans Christian Andersen) felt this was a rather crappy ending so he rewrote it adding that if the mermaid for 300 years performed good deeds this would earn her the right to acquire a soul hence enabling her to go to heaven.

In this version Jiminy wasn't a cricket and Jiminy ended up murdered by Pinocchio. Since puppets can't be sent to jail it was Geppetto who was for his negligence in creating this little monster. Many years later after Geppetto served his jail sentence he reunited with his much beloved puppet. He had nothing after being locked up all those years except the coat on his back. Still he wanted the best for the little guy and sold it for school books so Pinocchio could become educated.

Pinocchio being the ever grateful douchebag hocked them for tickets to the theatre. To make a long story short he became worse then he already was because of two scoundrels (a cat and a fox) he took up with. In one version the two scoundrels later hung Pinocchio from a tree suffocating him to death. In another version one of the scoundrels (the cat) who deceived him and led Pinocchio's life into misery is overcome by age and blindness. The Fox chops off his tail for money and becomes hairless and lame. Pinocchio (being not susceptible to such things) scoffs at both their poverty and suffering saying they deserved what they got.

'The Hunchback Of Notre Dame'
It was written by the same guy that wrote Les Misérables, Victor Hugo. Hence full of the suffering and unhappiness you'd expect from this writer. It's been reworked several times.

In the original novel a gypsy dancer (Esmerelda) has drawn the attention of many men, but none so much as both the hunchback (Quasimodo) and Archdeacon of Notre Dame.(Frollo). The Archdeacon orders Quasimodo to kidnap her but is caught by the head of the guards (Captain Phoebus) who orders Quasimodo to be flogged and placed without water in the stockades.

Esmerelda takes pity on him and offers water. Quasimodo falls hopelessly in love with her. Turns out so did the Captain of the guards who also had a thing for her. This upset the Archdeacon (Frollo) who became jealous then murdered the captain. Instead Esmerelda is falsely accused, tortured and sentenced to death by hanging. In the last minute Quasimodo swings down the bell ropes saving her.

There's a few more twists and turns in the plot eventually Esmerelda ,who had sanctuary in Frellos church, was expelled by the church hierarchy. After she rejected Frello's advances one last time, he turned over to the soldiers where once again she found herself facing death. This time ending up with her execution while Frollo laughed out of spitefulness for rejecting his advances. Quasimodo seeing this pushed the Archdeacon off the roof of the church killing him.

He escapes. In the final scene Quasimodo is bending over her lifeless body in the graveyard where those who've been executed are dumped. It is there were Quasimodo finally succumbs to starvation wishing to never leave her side even in death.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Ancient Manuscript Just Discovered


Written across the wall of the cave were the following symbols

It was considered a unique find and the writings were said to be at least three thousand years old The piece of stone was removed, brought to the museum, and archaeologists from around the world came to study the ancient symbols. They held a huge meeting after months of conferences to discuss the meaning of the markings.

The President of the society pointed to first drawing and said This is a woman. We can see these people held women in high esteem. You can also tell they were intelligent, as the next symbol is a donkey, so they were smart enough to have animals to help them till the soil. The next drawing is a shovel, which means they had tools to help them Even further proof of their high intelligence is the fish which means that if a famine hit the earth and food didn't grow, they would seek food from the sea. The last symbol appears to be the Star of David which means they were evidently Hebrews. The audience applauded enthusiastically.

Then a little old Jewish man stood up In the back of the room and said, "Idiots!" Hebrew is read from right to left. It says "Holy Mackerel, Dig The Ass On That Chick".

Friday, August 16, 2024

Universe A Hologram?


This is the kind of stuff that blows my mind. This theory would explain a few things.

(1) If we wanted to find the center of the universe you'd think all we'd have to do it trace back to where the big bang occurred. In defiance of logic the center of the universe doesn't exist. THIS VIDEO explains why. People assume matter was ejected from an explosion into space. However this was not so because space itself hadn't existed. Both are one and the same therefore there can be no before or after since time didn't yet exist. Further proof is everywhere we look (in any direction) the same density of galaxies exist. Since there is no greater density in one direction then the other it's not possible to trace back to find a greater or lesser number indicating a center..

(2) Which brings me back to finding we just might be living on the cusp of a black hole's event horizon. If this is so we are nothing but a recording of all that exist outside of where we exist. Think about it. (a) Every star system is of equal density outside our surroundings. (b) The universe appears nearly frozen in time from our vantage point. (c) We've observed no other beings. Wouldn't this be so if we were little more then existing frozen in time to the outside universe.

Here's Another Theory I've Always Held
We've been told the universe only existed 13.5 billion light years across since the so-called big bang. I always disputed that. THIS VIDEO seems to support my hypothesis that we have no idea how old it really is. The video explains some galaxies are moving away faster then the speed of light-- meaning their photons (limited to the speed of light) will never get here. Thus there could be an infinite number of galaxies beyond 13.5 billion light years. We just can't see them.

Wait you say, "I thought nothing could move beyond the speed of light?" I would respond by stating it would be more correct to state "we can observe nothing beyond the speed of light". That being so doesn't rule out the possibility of it being possible elsewhere. Time's existence can be said to be limited by how it's measured within one's locale. This possibility of living on an event horizon of a black hole would mean all bets would be off. To someone outside a black hole it would appear we're frozen in time. To us living here it most certainly would not.

Yes indeed time is a tricky thing. We measure time as a series of relationships. Certainly those experiences would be far different within a black hole opposed to outside of one. Therefore time becomes rather meaningless when we talk of such things. In fact quantum physics says objects can be several places at the same "time". It's only when we observe one object the others disappear. So it may very well be we are living frozen on the fringe of a black hole where all can exist at the same "time". Just as it may be also likely our universe extends far beyond anything we could imagine. Not limited to just 13.5 billion light years.

There is a quote in the bible book of Daniel which gives us a clue about this time thing. Where it says one day with God is as of a thousand years of men. If you do the math it equates to nearly the speed of light. The bible speaks to God as a being of light. I'm fairly certain they were speaking of God The Creator. Question then becomes what is the essence of God himself eternal beyond creation (of time and matter)?

Monday, August 12, 2024

"Tom Cruise's Death-Defying Olympic Stunt" WHAT A BUNCH OF BULL!

They should have hired 'PINK'

PINK – "So What" – LIVE (Paris, 2023)

AND.. she did it the whole time singing live

For the life of me I can't figure out why they are making Cruise's little ball drop a big deal. All he did is what emergency rescuers do.. repel. So does the Coast Guard on rescues.

In fact I'd go so far as to say this was one of the most boring Olympics closing ever.

Here' how you do it
KD LANG Bringing joy and celebration to the 1988 Olympics in Calgary

'Turn Me Round'

Friday, August 9, 2024

Donald Trump And The Art Of Bullsh*t

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell says

I've been avoiding politics. Today I decided to go all in for the time being. I find these kind of posts bring out the best people who want to shower me with love. it's been months since I took a poke so thought why not kick the can and listen for all rhe feeback I may OR may not get.

Unfortunate Woman Locked Her Keys In The Car


A blonde is driving down the road. She notices that she’s low on gas, so she stops at the gas station.

While she’s pumping her gas, she notices that she locked the keys in the car. When she goes inside to pay, she asks the attendant for a wire coat hanger so she can attempt to open the door herself. She goes outside and begins to try to unlock her car.

Ten minutes later, the attendant goes outside to see how the blonde is faring.

The blonde outside of the car is moving the hanger around and around, while the blonde inside of the car is saying, “A little more to the left... now a little more to the right...”

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Meet Kamala's Running Mate (Videos)

Squirrel Problems (Humor)


The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and, unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.

But the Catholic church came up with a very creative strategy! They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue; they took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven't seen a squirrel since.

Friday, August 2, 2024

The Working Dead

A repost from Novwmbwr 2016

While many schlep to work everyday trying to eek out a few bucks some who have assumed room temperature long ago are making out much better.

According to 'Forbes' MJ grossed more then $1b since his death 6 years ago ($115m in 2014 alone). Elvis earned more since he died then the sum total of all he earned while still alive.

The article details 11 others who are doing quite well during their dirt naps.

Sure does make you wonder how it is dead people can earn vast amount$ more money then working stiffs doesn't it?