Friday, May 6, 2022

GPT-3 AI Chat Bots + Intelligent Robots

This is some really creepy stuff. Computer generated intelligence. Here we look at a conversation between two AIs.

Jack Soslow:
"The AIs were built using GPT-3, a language model that understands the English language better than anything else in the world right now.

I prompt GPT3 with just three lines:
"The following is a conversation between two AIs. The AIs are both clever, humorous, and intelligent.
Hal: Good Evening, Sophia
Sophia: It's great to see you again, Hal."

The rest of the conversation is generated. This is the first conversation I generated."

Keep in mind these 2 are stirctly ciomputer generated!

"It is the third-generation language prediction model in the GPT-n series (and the successor to GPT-2) created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research laboratory.GPT-3's full version has a capacity of 175 billion machine learning parameters. GPT-3, which was introduced in May 2020, and was in beta testing as of July 2020,is part of a trend in natural language processing (NLP) systems of pre-trained language representations."

Food for thought
It could be possible 1,000's of these bots could be lurking throughout social media sites pretending to be real people. Perhaps even in video chats. At what point can anyone determine when there might be more of these machined intelligences on the internet then humans (especially on dating sites)?

This video claims up to 40% of Social Media comments are by bots

Keep in mind some of these are self learning just as humans are (perhaps even more so). Will there ever come a point they supersede humans via having far more abilities instantaneously then the human mind is capable of?

Here's a couple more videos on the subject...

Farming Robots (I'd turn off soundtrack-it's annoying)

If robots are going to do all the 24/7 thinking and work where do we fit in?
Let's hope one day robots don't ask this question. Most likely the answer won't be to our liking. 

Two AIs Talk About What It's Like to Be an AI (GPT-3)

I enjoy listening to these two more then I do most humans :-)

1 comment:

  1. I have many other thoughts on this subject I could do on some future post. BUT.. will only do so if someone expresses greater interests in me doing so. I didn't add these many thoughts i have since I believe the post became too long already


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