Friday, March 11, 2022

Bad Language

An annoyance of mine are these TV assignment reporters. When someone gets knocked down outside they end up on the ground, the grass, pavement, asphalt or anything other then "the floor". Floors are inside. Those others I mentioned are not.

Another classic is watching the TV camera focus on the "street" sign while the reporter is saying the incident happen on the road. The street sign clearly states it's a street. Have ADD?

An avenue is not a "AVE."  There's no such word. Call the roadway what it is. 

While I'm at it there is no such word as "SATRad" either. This is another abbreviation. This one for 'satellite radar'. Please spend the milliseconds of energy it would expend to speak correctly.

Things get worse on social media. Smart phones cannot make people look smarter then they are.
            I rote to him about it.
            I liked it to.
            It stuck to my tung.
            Some sno we had.
            I red that somewhere.
            That was sum show.
            It was after darc.
            Man your dum!


  1. I'm bothered when someone incorrectly uses the word, "then" when it should be, "than."
    Such as, "...or anything other then "the floor"."

  2. or "Smart phones cannot make people look smarter then they are." when it should be "than" they are.

  3. That's all you two got out of this post?
    A gotcha to try and demean me.


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