Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Blogger Is Screwed Up (Update Blogger ISN'T Screwed Up)

It keeps deleting my template format on the main page. I lost over 4,000 of my past posts plus the recent comments. I tried importing backups to no avail. I'll check back tomorrow. Not sure I can fix it. I suspect the IT guys futzed with the coding (again).

Odd thing is if I eliminate my last two posts the format returns. If I make a new one the template on the main pages messes up. Therefore I highly suspect coders screwed with the template I'm using. Will they fix it. Given their past history ..probably not.


OK I give up for now. Don't know why I bothered to export backups since blogger refuses to accept any one of them. Keeps saying I exceeded what is allowed. I do have texts backed up but if you think I'm going through 1,000's of them... ain't no way!

I've tried reinstalling various templates to no avail. The layouts in the settings say one thing but appear entirely different on the blog itself. Not to long ago blogger changed everything up. I'm assuming to accommodate mobile apps at the expense of being desktop friendly when composing. The pictures are now encoded differently making it impossible for me to provide outside links to other sites like I use to. Previously all I had to do with click on a link button while highlighting the picture. Now that's changed to a bunch of crap I don't understand.

So the bottom line is I've wasted more time screwing with this thing then composing. It is what it is (till the next time they recode) Frustrating to say the least.

UPDATE (12/01/2020)
I'm fully restored.

So "import" does work. Ya just gotta be patient and keep retrying. I'm grateful blogger is capable of doing this. Probably me.. not them. OOPS!


  1. for a luddite like myself, both blogger and facebook "updating" their formats is very frustrating.

    1. I've looked over tons of other people who found themselves in the same fix. IMPORT simply doesn't work. Some lost only 6 posts a couple more like myself over 4,000. Everything is being recoded to be compatible with mobile apps and that's screwing up a lot of users still wanting to use PCs. Hopefully it will work out but I highly doubt I'll ever be able to recover those previous post. I wonder if import actually works for anyone?


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