Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Healthcare Here We Go Again

Ye gads here we go again. We went through these very same talking points just a few years ago when Obama's Affordable Healthcare Act was introduced. It's like being on a merry-go-round going around and around again never getting anywhere.

The 'Daily KOS'' wrote last year, "$32 trillion. You may have seen this number in corporate media coverage and Republican propaganda. It’s the estimated cost of universal health care over a 10-year period... Compared to what we’re currently spending, universal health care or single-payer health care would save us $17 trillion over 10 years."

So you say if this is so great why wouldn't legislators support it?
Do I really have to explain whose interests congress really represents?
HINT: Not yours.

Well that never happened!

Crunching the numbers in 2016

What he didn't take into account was the money already budgeted towards the veteran care services, Medicaid and current government workers plans which could also be used to help pay for it.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

McDonalds Got Your Money- Your Food Maybe Not

McDonald's Says Goodbye Cashiers, Hello Kiosks
As of 2020, self-service ordering kiosks will be implemented at all U.S. McDonald’s locations. Other chains, including fast-casual brands like Panera and casual-dining brands like Chili's, have already embraced this trend"


What Is Old Is New Again
This could very well signal the end of "fast food". The way I see it once you pay for a order you ain't going anywhere. Years ago in Philadelphia and New York there were a bunch of Horn & Hardart restaurant automats. The way these worked were similar to today's vending machines. There were a whole bunch of little window shelves where a customer would insert their money, open the window and take out the food cooks working behind placed in them. This plan is nothing like that. A customer at Horn & Hardart would get his food as fast as they could insert their money.

This is like buying a ticket to Disneyland never knowing how long you'll have to wait to get on a ride. If McDonald's wants to go down this path they should bear in mind the last Horn & Hardart in NYC closed in April 1991. People didn't like it then. I doubt in this case having to wait for their number to come up will fare much better.

Maybe if customers could play the slots or bet on sports while they wait it might work. Other then that I wouldn't be too optimistic. I'd sooner wait at home for my grub to be delivered.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Know Why They Say Trim Bushes In March?

Because there aren't any hornets' nest in em !!!!!

I have a rather large bush by my dinning room window. I figured I'd trim this bush after it done most of it's growing in Spring. Today was the day. BAD IDEA. Got stung in my hand and my ear is glowing red. I skinned my arm falling on the ground trying run inside my house. Even then I wasn't safe. One of the little suckers was on my arm trying to sting me.

Nasty Little Buggers Aren't They !

The only good to come out of it was I found I'm not allergic since I didn't go into anaphylaxis. Good thing because my wife is out of town for the day and I'm alone.

Wait till next March you little suckers. That bush is gonna be cut so small even our daffodils will tower over it.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Russians Russians Russians Everywhere You look

In what may seem like a joke in January 2007 Donald Trump appointed Rudy Giuliani as his cybersecurity advisor. According to 'Business Insider'-- "Giuliani's site was littered with security problems and outdated software, they say, making it extremely vulnerable to hacking."

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Allentown Sues Lehigh County Authority

The Morning Call
Allentown sues Lehigh County Authority
days after $36.4 M arbitration demand
"LCA and Allentown signed a lease in 2013 that called for the authority to give the city $211.3 million in exchange for control of the system for 50 years. Allentown used the money to pay down its cash-poor pension systems."

May I suggest...
If Allentown feels it's excessive perhaps they should consider offering a buy back. At this point the LCA might be willing to forgo this endless bickering. However after assuming the transfer of the loan debt, the required repairs and other outstanding obligations I very much doubt things would turn out much differently for water consumers. It isn't like the LCA is a for-profit operation.

This whole thing comes down to simply rearranging the deck chairs. There's no such thing as free money.

If I Were Putin

Here would be my wish list hoping to undermine the United States by...
* Destroying Americans trust for their press, intelligence, FBI and government leaders.
* Weaken federal revenues by all means possible including unnecessary tax cuts.
* Weaken allied nations' faith in military and economic agreements.
* Use all means necessary to get a leader elected who could fulfill those goals. As well as someone who could pit people against each other throughout the world including Americans amongst themselves. Someone who would impose tariffs that applied to none of their own or family's businesses. A person who would trash all of his opponents similar to what I (Putin) would do. A person who he and his family benefited millions from USSR loans.

Know anybody like that?

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Poorest States Are Under Republican Control

5 of the 6 states with the lowest per capita incomes are under Republican control.
All these states voted for Trump in 2016 #50 Mississippi - $21,036
#49 West Virginia - $22,714 - Except for 1 U.S. Senate Democrat
#48 Arkansas - $22,883
#47 Alabama - $23,606 - Except for 1 U.S. Senate Democrat
#45 Kentucky - $23,684

5 of the 7 states with the highest per capita incomes are under Democratic control.
None of these states voted for Trump in 2016 #1 Connecticut - $39,373
#2 New Jersey - #37,288
#3 Massachusetts - $36,593 - Except for the Republican governor
#4 Maryland - $36,388 - Except for the Republican governor.
#7 New York - $33,095 - Except for State Republican control in the Senate.
* Source Material:
List Of States By Income (2014)
States By Party Strength (2014)

Given the figures above it should be clear the Republican policies generate neither greater per capita nor median household wealth. Politicians and pundits lie. Numbers never do.

Seems the people in the states with the least are counting on Trump the most by voting for him. These folks are likely to find themselves greatly disappointed being they're the ones most affected by his cuts and future benefit reductions.

Couple that with Missouri, Montana, Nebraska and several other Midwestern states who also voted for him being the most impacted by Trump's tariff games.

Published on Apr 17, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

Creek Weed Gardens Out Of Hand

WFMZ Video 06/05/2018 --"Along the banks of the Lil' Lehigh [sic] at Cedar Beach Park, the Muhlenberg College biology professor doesn't like what he sees. "A site like this is ripe for the giant hogweed," he said.

The giant hogweed with its pretty flowered cap can turn a field of dreams into a nightmare. The toxic plant can cause severe long-term burns, blisters the size of golf balls, even blindness."

People who follow our local blogs around here know we already been on this merry-go-round for a long time. No sense rehashing this yet again. Suffice it to say there is a very simple solution for this riparian problem.

Lifeguard Shortage Not Just In Allentown

Doesn't speak well for college kids off during the summer does it?

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

They Walk Among Us

There were just enough of them to get us where we are today.

This is the 2nd year in a row Trump Fans Accuse NPR of ‘Taxpayer Funded Partisan Advocacy’ After It Tweets Out the Declaration of Independence. Some said the most hateful things against NPR unaware it was tweeting word for word the Declaration of Independence. "Attempting to tear down this nation from the very base is treasonous!-- Just chalk it up to one more reason for DJT being elected."