I Don't Care....Who's investigating who.
Who's getting reelected or not.
Who's political party can out spin the other.
Who goes to jail or not.
Which bozo gets the most airtime on TV.
That Donald still can't get enough praise.
Who can out BS the other during press briefings.
Who's leaking what.
Here's What I Give Crap About-- What Washington Isn't Doing For UsThese BS artists haven't taken up immigration nor gun reform. Nor addressed future Pension/Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security budget shortfalls. Addressed 47% of the workers making less then the wages needed to live modestly. Done nothing tangible whatsoever to lower the cost of medicine or medical healthcare. To make sincere efforts helping to lower criminal recidivism rates. The list goes on. I could name many more.
What Washington does best is hold hearings, They hold hearings on themselves. They hold hearings on anything and everything along with creating public committees to screw with John Q Public's head that their doing something. In the end these amount to nothing more then a prepared speech accompanied by the all too familiar photo op BS nonsense. Truth be told they do this specifically so they can avoid producing actual legislation.
Ever watch most of those videos where Senators and Representatives are putting on a show speaking in congress? Notice none of their colleagues are in their seats around them. If they're not listening to each and other-- why the hell would you think they'd be listening to what anyone else has to say.
Face it 90% of their time is spent self serving in putting on a show trying to get reelected. I mean really, are people so gullible as to believe congress couldn't fix drug prices, control healthcare costs and all the other crap in a heartbeat if it so desired?
There's plenty of fake to go around. Fake news. Fake politicians with faked outrage. The only thing real nothing is getting done. Promises are made if this or this or that person gets elected next time we'll resolve these problems. Yeah "next time". Well, if not, then maybe the "next time" with the one after that.
Meanwhile we suckers rush to the polls hoping someday somehow someone elected will make drug prices come down, healthcare become affordable and we will have a enough to retire. Scared that if we don't vote it will never happen.
Well here's a flash. Politicians will make sure it never does so they can continue to scare people into voting. Thus creating job security for themselves.