Saturday, April 7, 2018

Looking Out My Back Door

We were quite upset today when a hawk attacked a dove nesting under our back porch roof. Doves are not very good nesters. They don't need this added threat. Last year her two eggs fell out and broke. The year before two of the chicks fell out and a stray cat got a hold of them overnight killing them both.

Thankfully there was a happy ending. We were amazed when she reappeared back in her nest two hours later. Apparently she was able to get away. Unlike a few years ago when a hawk swooped down and killed one of the birds eating at our feeder in the flash of an eye.

Over the years we've had all kinds of animals including a few you wouldn't expect to see in town. These are a few of them (I also included some guy trying to get into our garage at 4:49 AM).

I haven't included the rabbits, raccoons, cats, skunks and dogs.

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