Tuesday, December 29, 2015

World Getting More Stupid

I'm not getting older, the world is getting more stupid

Here's a few reasons why.*Medicare will only pay for IV infusions done in a hospital, not at home: Yeah why not pay several times more!

* We should be able to buy flu injections over the counter. My insurance was charged $25 + $35 for it's administration. Yeah like any idiot can't poke themself or spray a mist up their nose!

* Heaven forbid any of the 40 and under crowd should ever use a telephone. Instead they will only respond via text or on Facebook. One example-- Our 40 year old daughter passed along a data embedded text to a carpenter my wife was interested in. Instead of giving him our perfectly good home phone number she sent data embedded text which cost us $1.25 on our pay-as-you-go smartphone plan to respond giving him our home phone number. Hell knows whether he may ever use it to call?

* Too many cops (not all cops) who people used to call to calm down a situation now are shooting first before asking what the problem is. I'm not kidding when I say everyday I read about another police shooting. Any decent cop having to work with these trigger happy gun nuts are most likely disgusted as well. I suspect a lot of good police officers are fleeing the force not being able to cope with fellow officers who think (an apparently are) given immunity for their actions. I think we're seeing the results. Every cop who shoots erratically endangers the lives of fellow officers who have to deal sometime in the future with the public. There are many who no longer trust calling 911 that somehow it will end up with someone or a pet end up taking a bullet by one of the over eager boys in blue.

* Christmas Cards-- I mailed 20 Christmas cards year after year. This year I'm down to only receiving 7. Yeah this may seem like a corny tradition, but we always looked forward to displaying them as part of our decorations. It's a way of letting people know you're thinking about them at this time of the year whether or not you're in constant touch. It's another sign to me that people are becoming stupider to what should really matter.. staying connected with one another.

* The elections-- I've never seen a bunch of worse candidates for 2016. 95% of what they're spewing is nonsense bullshit divisional hatred toward a group of people or towards the other candidates. Whatever happened to inclusiveness and unification towards uniting this country. Instead each is pitting one against the other. None of them are worth spit.

* Speaking of politics-- Each year people espouse sweeping them all out and starting out fresh. Yeah good luck with that. Most are already pissed off having to pay politicians all this money while in office. Did you ever think about this. Three times more are receiving pensions after getting got voted out of office then those who are presently serving. If there's one thing worse then lining their pockets while in office it's to pay their silly asses to sit home after they've been voted out. The deck's stacked in their favor. Be careful what you wish for!

* Dumbing down the news-- In one half hour of any typical local news cast we will revisit the weather three times. Traffic once or twice with only three major news stories. Rarely on some channels once or twice a week a investigative report. Evening network news is no better. One weather related story. One political piece. Two or three international news stories with absolutely no investigative reporters reporting the background information. Followed up by closing out with the touchy feely story of the day. All which in-between there were over 10 minutes of advertisements for drugs (boner pills) and car ads. Talk about useless and stupid, you learn more on well written TV shows!

* Selfies are all the rage. Everybody's talking. Is anybody listening anymore?

* Go-Fund-Me's have replaced trying to do doing things for yourself first before begging for money.

* The #1 reason why I think the world is getting more stupid-- Nations and their peoples are killing now more then ever over the same dirt mankind has slaughtered each another for by the millions over the centuries. Shooting one another like it's some sort of game is disgusting. This applies to what's going on in our homes, malls and streets as well. There's no excuse for this in today's world considering all the information now readably to everyone. Hence the lessons we should have learned from history.


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