I disagree, here's why.
Putting Those Issues Aside
I am certain a large portion of people are ether too lazy and will never vote. What remains is another portion who don't like any of the candidates on the ballot.
I Have A Simple Plan To Increase The Number Of Voters.
Be truthful. How many times did you hold your nose and cast your vote for the lesser of two evils? How many times have you cast your vote to block someone because they were of the other party's ideology?
Here's what I propose. Put one more choice on the ballot... "NONE OF THE ABOVE". Can you only imagine what would happen if "NONE OF THE ABOVE" actually garnered the most votes and won!
I myself have criticized those who don't vote. Yet I have voted many times for someone I really didn't like just so the other guy I disliked more wouldn't get into office. Who's the bigger hypocrite, I or someone who didn't vote because they liked neither one? Is it being patriotic to vote for a knucklehead, despite knowing someone shouldn't be in office, just because there are no other choices?
Yeah I would like the "NONE OF THE ABOVE" option.
Sends a clear message doesn't it?
George Carlin once said...
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