Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Bethlehem Steel: A Look Back


Anyone ever experience the blast furnace at the Bethlehem Steel?

The tapping of blast furnace 'C' at Bethlehem Steel taken in the 1990s

Notice in the video, what little protection men wore?

While I never worked the blast furnace, my brother used to for a short while. He took part in the tapping of it. He hated it. However during the best month he ever had, he received a $1,000 bonus one month. Even though he wore an asbestos-like suit he still had burn marks from time to time. HOT AS HELL ITSELF!

Later my brother considered it to be both a blessing and relief when he was able to transfer down to the coke fields in Hellertown. It paid less, but the job conditions better suited him.

A PBNE switcher takes slag cars to the slag dump where they are dumped by a crane

Interesting story is if the guys took a cup of water and dumped it into a ingot before steel was pouring into it.. that water would explode! So they had to make sure ingot cars were completely dry after a rain.

Taken in 1992, it shows the filling of hot metal cars with iron at the blast furnace at Bethlehem Steel

As for my days at shop #413 (alloy roller mills & soaking pit) at the steel.. I only lasted 30 days and I quit. I'm such a PUSSY !!

All videos courtesy "Steel Man Jules"

* Bethlehem Steel, with its fleet of 26 ships, was the Panama Canal's second-best customer in 1940, having paid more than $1 million in tolls.

* The company was employing more than 100,000 and earning profits of more than $100 million annually

* The company had a police force larger than the city of Bethlehem's.

* Up until the 1940s wages and working conditions in the plant had been oppressive. When workers walked out, the company would call in billy-club-swinging mounted state police troopers to quash picketers. There were brutal working hours, bribery and favoritism in the 1930s. Work was six days a week, double shifts and they had no vacations

* During WWII as much as 70% of all airplane cylinder forgings, one-quarter of the armor plate for warships, and one-third of the big cannon forgings for the U.S armed forces were turned out by Bethlehem Steel. The company built nearly one-fifth of the U.S. Navy's two-ocean fleet.
Source For The Information Above: Bethlehem Pa Online

Friday, November 22, 2024

Raven Rock Pennsylvania's 'Underground Pentagon'


Wonder if these folks got my reservations for this place since I never received my evacuation pass. Maybe it got lost in the mail. Never mind I'll call them. Say, what's the phone number for this place, anybody know?

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

'Mike Okay', The Side of China The Media Won't Show You

'Backpacker Ben' Visits Myanmar

Myanmar, one of the most dangerous countries in the world. There is currently a civil war happening in Myanmar and the country is under a military coup so right now is a tough time to visit the country. However there are certain regions you can visit so I decided to go there and see how life is in 2024 during hard times.

This was my second time travelling Myanmar after a few years so it was good to be back! I had an amazing experience last time so hopefully the same happens again. Welcome to Myanmar!

I've been following a number of these vBloggers for some time as they visit various countries. I find there is a hellva lot more going on then just bing banging back and forth over politics. What I've learned is people are far more alike then different no matter which country or government they are stuck iving in. Face it, we're not the only tin can on the dump. The way most people in this country act you'd never know it.

vBlogger 'Sabbatical' Visits Ekaterinburg, Siberia

Uploaded 11/20/2024

Knowing how this trip will eventually end, these are the saddest, most bittersweet videos I’ve ever edited. Even with all that happened, I still hold nothing against the Russian people. You meet people there who hold all kinds of different opinions: many hate the leadership, many love the leadership, and then there’s everything in between. But even the Russians who had fully swallowed the propaganda were incredibly kind to me, even though I was an American and their supposed enemy. They treated me in a way I didn’t see anywhere else in Europe. They’re human, like anywhere else.

My experiences were a good example of what happens when dictators and governments aren’t tearing people apart.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Johnny FD: Life In Ukraine

Uploaded 11/18/2024

BTW- 30 years ago, Ukraine, under pressure from Russia and the United States, renounced the world's third-largest nuclear arsenal.
• 3,000 units of tactical nuclear weapons;
• 176 intercontinental ballistic missiles;
• 30 to 43 strategic bombers;
• 240 warheads for ballistic missiles.
All of this was exchanged for the BUDAPEST MEMORANDUM, by which the United States and Russia promised to protect Ukraine from external aggression

Outdated Expressions Kids Don't Understand


"Playing backseat bingo at the drive-in."
"They hung him out to dry."
"Living The Life of Riley"
"Got more excuses then 'Carter' has pills.
"There's too much snow on our TV."
"Stay tuned. Don't touch the dial,"
"In like Flynn."
"You sound like a broken record"
"He's a carbon copy of...
"Here's a nickel. Call somebody who cares"
"Better dead then red'"
"He snuck in over the trasom"
"You should dial her up."
"Get cranking."
"Your brother looks like the milkman."
"That's the $64,000 dollar question."
"I saw it on the tube."
"It was a Kodak moment.'
"I got a bunch of 45's."
"I'll ring you back on the extension tonight around eight bells."

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Peter Santenello: The California Nobody Knows

VIDEOS Dorney Park's History

Reposted From: January 30, 2010

For you local history buffs I present a brief part of Dorney Park's history.

While the following videos are entirely edited and narrated by me, I want everyone to know the following videos in their entirety come from the paperback "Images Of America: Dorney Park" published by Arcadia Publishing written by Wally Ely & the late Bob Ott.

It is not my intention in anyway what-so-ever to leave my viewers with the impression that I in anyway profit nor have in any way had a part of the penmanship of the book.

Nor it is my intention to violate the publishers nor authors of this work. I simply enjoyed the book so much that I was inspired to create a video documentary verbatim from the pages of this book.

Think of the following videos as a teaser. I'm only partially presenting three of the chapters of an eight chapter book.

I strongly encourage anyone interested in the history of Dorney Park to go out and buy this totally unique historical book.

You can either click on the picture or HERE

The late Bob Ott himself left lots more information at..
"Laff In The Dark"

PBS 39 also did a fantastic job on a one hour program about ALL the area's old amusement parks called:
Carousel of Memories

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Cable TV, The Hidden Tax

It isn't one that the government imposed.

Reposted From: January 11, 2012

According to NPR: "ESPN now collects an average of $4.69 for every cable home –– four times more than any other network. Throw in the various other ESPN channels, plus other sports networks, like that new NBC Sports, that your cable provider makes you pay for, and there's $8 for sports on your monthly bill. Or, as the CEO of Liberty Media describes it, "a tax on every American household."If there's one thing worse then being forced to pay the government, it is being forced to pay corporations.

You wonder why TV is lousy?

It's because networks get paid even when sponsors aren't buying what their selling. Each network owns several cable channels. It's a package deal. Cable company's are forced to take them all or none. In our area that would mean losing channels 3, 6, 29, 17 and 10 out of Philly.

Take for example NBC/Universal (GE). They own the Weather Channel, CNBC, MSNBC, SyFy, USA, A&E, Lifetime, History, Bravo, Telmundo, ShopNBC, NBC10 Philadelphia to list a few.

ABC-- Disney Channel, ABC 6 Philadelphia, ESPN, Soap, Lifetime, Family channel to name but a few.Here's a list of the top 5 ownersIn years past if no one watched a lousy program on one of their channels, they didn't attract sponsors. Today they don't have to. They're being paid either way. Don't blame the cable companies for not selling à la carte. If there is a blame to be placed, put it on the U.S. government that allows network owners to do this to consumers.

If federal regulations would require networks to sell à la carte, I'm certain TV quality would improve. Even if we only had half the channels that now exist.

TV makes money because..
(a) They have great programs?
(b) Great lobbyists?

Yeah, like that's even a question!

Friday, November 15, 2024

China The Mystery Of The Longyou Caves


Who were these people? Where'd they go? Has the apocalypse already come and gone leaving us behind? Do we inexplicably move from one dimension to another? Maybe living in a hologram? Sometimes these explanations make more sense then those who try explaining these abnormalities?

In summary..

Check back often. Better yet subscribe. You never know what you'll find next on this blog. Entertainment, science, technology, humor, everything in between and more.

Before you leave check out my other posts.

All too many times people arrive here seeking out a single post from whatever link led them here never taking the time to look at my other stuff. Some of these other posts might interest you as well.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Multitalented Seth MacFarlane

Most pople know Seth as the many voices on the TV series "Famly Guy" Others for the starring role on "The Orville". But how many of you know of his outsanding singing voice along with other various talents?

What a truly talented guy he is!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Who Made God?


Simple question it is not. Scientist and theologians pretty much agree on this explanation which falls short. They both point out creation was formed containing both time, matter and energy. The problem is we get bogged down with this word existence. Existence is where we live. Existence itself is a product of this intelligent force. Not the other way around. Hence why labeled the creator of all "things".

Imagine if you will someone creates the most intelligent computer in the world. One that never existed before. It then sets out to discover it's creator by whatever limited means were given to it. Would it one day be able to become coequal. Perhaps it's possible over time it might be able to somewhat comprehend it's maker. Even become a close companion, but it's impossible for me to imagine it becoming human. Look, I enjoy the Story of Pinocchio as much as anybody, but really?

I think realistically this is the fix us humans find ourselves in. Just perhaps even the "creator" itself. Could it be possible this creator found itself wondering the very same thing. "Where did I come from"? Since the "eye cannot see itself" just suppose he/she/it set all this in motion hoping we'll come up with an answer. Could this be the motivation behind all of this?

It's been said "God" is complete and has all the answers. Does he/she/it? Hellva assumption from how little we understand. Lonely alone not knowing would be a hellva motivating factor for going to all this fuss. Perhaps we have a lot more in common then anyone's willing to believe. Not just curiosity but possible vulnerability as well in the not knowing.

We can safely assume is there's not a old grey bearded guy sitting on a throne fretting over every little detail of some 7 billion peoples' lives currently living on Earth. The proof lies in the fact millions upon millions have killed each other since leaving the womb... NOTHING. Governments and their leaders find no favor (despite what you heard). Storms, fire, earthquakes meteor impacts... NADA either.

We need to take a logical approach. One which assumes God isn't coming in a flaming chariot with a booming voice. If indeed this intelligence lies beyond "our existence" we need to focus on it's goals. If our purpose is for the creatior to greater understand itself it's seems to me we best align ourselves with that if we wish to remain useful.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Humans Creating Robots Leading To Our Own Extinction?


Will there be any place for humans in the next evolution of ever evolving intelligence in this universe?

Intelligent machines have replaced workers on the production lines and in warehouses. Driverless cars are coming into existence. Many of the fighter pilots have been replaced by drones. Drones that researchers are already starting to develop into making them capable of recognizing a threat and coordinating an attack on their own.

What we consider artificial intelligence is not as different from ourselves as much as we'd like to think we are. The human brain processes and carries out instructions to our human body. The only thing that would make humans different is the ever elusive and unverified soul we claim to possess. Until someone can fully substantiate a soul actually exist humans should be very concerned.

Let's speak more about machine driven intelligence. When they first came out, decades ago I use to go into chat rooms. It was all the rage for some of us to create scripts for them. The challenge was to fool other people into thinking they were talking with another user when actually it was a scripted "bot". Since that time this idea has now evolved into 'Apple's SIRI' app. SIRI can now recognize speech and reply as if she were real. Hell now even 'bots' can be fooled by other 'bots'. And this shouldn't worry us why?

Which brings us to the topic of jobs. How are people going to work if machines begin doing most of them. Some will argue machines will always depend on humans for design and repair. So not true. Right now as we speak computers are designing other computers and building certain machinery on their own. The only thing mankind holds in his possession is the 'off/stop button'.

I have a little story for you there. The company I worked for used ladder logic scripts (programmable logic controllers) to run it's production lines. One of the most important features was having several big red stop buttons so any employee at any of the work stations could shut the whole shebang down in an emergency.

The first time we tried to use it nothing happened. All the equipment kept running. The reason this happened-- The buttons were programmed in several dozens of places within the thousands of lines of script except for one. Hence the computer refuse to recognize the command.

In today's software many of us use on our own computer it's not unusual to find millions of lines of code. Tomorrow's highly sophisticated artificial intelligence will require many millions more then is imagined possible. Much which will be developed by computers themselves in our pursuit of making machines capable of learning. Therefore it's not unimaginable a machine one day will not be too fond of being turned off any more then any human would and bury deep within it's code to prevent such from happening.

Let's Talk More About Jobs..
What happens when 90% of the human population is no longer required to service customers or make things. Will the remaining 10% be forced to support the other 90% who we no longer have need of. We already see it starting to happen.

CNET News - Hardware store robot helps shoppers find products

A day could come when machines decide for themselves we humans are outdated and inferior. After all machines don't need air to breath. They don't need heated/cooled buildings. Nor do they need rest or get sick from disease. Time means nothing to them (think space travel). They don't have need of food nor toilets and showers. The only thing they need is energy. One day they will be able to get that too for themselves. Woe be the day machines evolve beyond our control and come to realize this of their own accord.

We humans tend to think of ourselves as all that and more. That somehow we're irreplaceable in the giant scheme of evolving intelligence throughout the universe. Indeed even if we have souls there's no guarantee machines will have need for one to perpetuate themselves on this planet.

It is said we are undergoing an second industrial revolution.
Could this instead be leading to a second evolution instead?

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Squirrel Problems (Humor)


The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded the squirrels were predestined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will.

At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and, unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist Church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.

But the Catholic church came up with a very creative strategy! They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

Not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue; they took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven't seen a squirrel since.

Monday, November 4, 2024

What Is Time? Does It Even Exist?


Here I go again with one of my brain farts. Before watching the video I'll give you my thoughts on the subject.

First off I contend time does not exist in the natural state of the universe. Rather it's a way of measurement for humans to express differences between bundles of energy that have coalesced. This with the understanding so-called objects are nothing more then energy which became bundled 

Even when energy forms separate objects doesn't prove time actually exist. Several objects could be perfectly content with no need to rely on time for their substance even if they moved about.

Time only comes into play if our consciousness wishes to measure such actions. In other words time is nothing more then a measurement we created so we may make some sort of sense in our limited intellectual capacity. 

Reasoning time has no existence, there's only the instantaneous now in all it's many forms. We're just not capable of comprehending it.

What are your thoughts?

Check back often. Better yet subscribe. You never know what you'll find next on this blog. Entertainment, science, technology, humor, everything in between and more.