Saturday, November 25, 2023

How Many Remember Mr. Six?


HINT: He was a hellva lot younger then the character he portrayed.


Mr. Six (Danny Teeson) was an advertising character used from 2004 to 2010 for the American theme park chain Six Flags.

Danny Teeson (born May 27, 1975) is a British dancer and choreographer.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Senator Elizabeth Warren Slams Medicare Advantage Insurers

Uploaded October 2023

Uploaded March 2023

Now knowing this, is congress going to do one damn thing about it?
Obviously not. But you can. Don't sign up for one of these plans. It not only better for yourself but so too for the government run Medicare progam itself.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

A Few Band Organ Videos

One of the things I noticed about these magnificent instruments is no matter how well they are designed they need excellent talents to create the rolls or fan folder punch outs for them. You'll notice several layers of instruments playing at the same time to create these wonderful pieces. So too someone to make the percussion sound just right Often times that's not the case and they sound just so-so. Please enjoy

Saturday, November 11, 2023

A Bunch Of Music Videos

Taking time out to watch a bunch of truly eclectic videos.. 14 of them to be exact. If you enjoy them let me know what you think. Thanks.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Lights in Greenawalds Kickoff Show 2023

Read all about it here...
Lights in Greenawalds Kickoff Show 2023
" Lights in Greenawalds Kickoff Show is back yet again this year. Saturday November 11th, 2023 starting at 4:30PM.... THIS IS A TOTALLY FREE EVENT AND FOR ALL AGES. (Rain Date: Sunday November 12th, 2023 at 4:30PM)...."

Saturday, November 4, 2023

If Healthcare Was Honest

BR> Especially true with 'Medicare Advantage' plans.

Think I'm exaggerating about Medicare Advantage plans? Well watch this...

The Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing
on denials and delays in Medicare Advantage plans
May 2023

Friday, November 3, 2023

New Law Mandates 'Kill Switches' in ALL Cars from 2026 Onwards!

I can think of dozens of examples why this is a deplorable idea. I'll leave it up to my readers to add their thoughts.