Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Trump's Love Letter To Nancy Pelosi


Save it for the Senate. I don't know what he expects this will accomplish.


  1. Excellent summary by a magnificent President. Truly a document that will live in history for all who look back on this ugly period of dirty politics in America. There is NO crime here that would lead to an impeachment, NO statute broken. All we’ve had are allegations and third hand accounts of crimes.

    I expect Pelosi to ignore this communication, and the House to vote for the Impeachment, only to be swiftly thrown out in the Senate. I also expect Americans will not be kind to Democrats in the next election.

    Trump represents no threat that could not wait to address by citizen voters just 11 months from now. Fairness is a quality to be embraced regardless of political affiliation. This, however, is a frame-up. Even our Blog host knows this, I’m certain.

    1. I believe the purpose of his letter, like much of what he does, is to make himself the center of attention and dominate the news cyce. He sucks the oxygen out of a room and has been doing so since before his election.


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