Monday, September 24, 2018

Protectionism Is Not Going To Make MAGA

High-skilled immigrants call out the Trump administration’s ‘hypocrisy’
"The Trump administration says it wants to move to a “merit-based” immigration system — one that gives priority to immigrants who speak English and are highly educated. But critics say that rhetoric is at odds with the administration’s actions...

The administration is also trying to kill another Obama-era program known as the International Entrepreneur Rule.... All of this has infuriated corporate America. The CEOs of Apple, Pepsi and other U.S. companies say the administration is scaring away high-skilled workers, which could hurt the economy."

Throughout history our technological advancements have been made possible by an untold number of immigrants who came to this country. To name four-- Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Elon Musk and Enrico Fermi amongst hundreds of others. According to PRB Foreign-born residents not only expanded the U.S. high-tech workforce but helped start new businesses that have generated billions in revenue and hired tens of thousands of workers. Foreign-born entrepreneurs helped start one-fourth of all new U.S. engineering and technology business established between 1995 and 2005, including Google and eBay. In high-tech Silicon Valley, California, more than one-half of business start-ups over that period involved a foreign-born scientist or engineer; one-fourth included an Indian or Chinese immigrant.

All of this boils down to Donald and his minions extreme dislike for anyone they or he don't think looks American enough. Here's the long range problem. If none of these are allowed to come here, they will go someplace else with their labor and talents. If anyone thinks this will bode well over the long haul they're very much mistaken. No nation has a monopoly on the smartest nor most industrious people. A lesson we no doubt will learn eventually which will come at a cost. Between Trump's immigration policies, his trade tariffs and all his other isolation policies it's only a matter of time before United States pays a penalty.

Farmers needlessly suffering in the middle west are now joined by South Carolina farmers facing their third year of tropical storm destruction, with at least $125M in damages

In addition while it's harvesting season Trump is blocking entrance to the much needed migrants farmers depend on to pick the crops American workers refuse to do. Thousands come here never intending to stay longer then necessary so they can earn money. Then return to their families in Mexico once the season is over.

I Don't Get It
Farmers, retailers, and the tech industry due to tariffs and Trump's immigration polices are affecting businesses and consumers alike. Yet support seems to remain strong. The way I figure it either they or I are fools.

Come the November elections if Trump and his Republicans remain on top I promise to shut my face. There's no point in me bloviating endlessly. Sometimes people need to learn the hard way. However I do wish to reserve the right to say "I told you so" when comes the day everything goes down the crapper.

Till then, see you on the other side :-)

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