Friday, April 20, 2018

Video Of Secret Meeting Between Trump And Mueller

From Season 29 | THE SIMPSONS (2017)

Yes indeed that was a funny bit.

BBC "Newsnight" Published This March 04, 2016

Published May 8, 2017

Who knows. Maybe the Donald may be as dumb as dirt and innocent of these accusations. However our justice system owes it to the American people to thoroughly investigate the man in charge of leading our country. To do otherwise would be a betrayal to uphold the oath our office holders have taken. My opinion is-- even if Donald' is completely innocent-- he at the very least is incompetent.

This whole screed of mine isn't about hating on conservatives nor the man himself. In my mind what matters the most is whether this guy is capable of understanding why he was elected. To work for all the people. Not just those who will kowtow to whatever his whims are from one moment to the next as if his needs are the only ones that matter..

The guy promised to "repeal & replace" Obamacare. Not destroy it leaving everyone out in the cold. He promised to work hard everyday unlike Obama he accused of constantly playing golf. This guy has promised DACA registrants they wouldn't have worries and look what happened. He promised to create a surplus by the time he leaves office. Yeah that isn't going to happen either.

I've said this here and throughout my life. I don't consider myself neither a conservative nor liberal. I have my own set of beliefs. I was against NAFTA and the invasion of Iraq. I'm against out of control immigration, but this doesn't mean we get all gonzo against allowing a reasonable amount of it. One of the problems-- as I see it-- Trump supporters seem to think people of reasonable conscious willing to bend are the weak minded on the far-left.

I always thought of it this way. Ever swim in the ocean for a couple of hours and notice the place you were staying seems to have moved many blocks up the beach? We all know it wasn't the hotel that moved it was you swimming in the water not paying attention, That's the way I describe the Republican party. So called liberals haven't moved all that much. Rather it is what has become of the Republican party after having gone through the Tea Party movement and now Trump's shenanigans. Some (not all) Republicans have drifted out to sea from the shore so far liberals look far away. It wasn't always this way. It has only become this way over the last decade or so.

Social orientated people have always been anchored in their beliefs. They support unions, healthcare, social security, education and others much like they always have for their fellow Americans. The things that have changed is a guy like Donald Trump and his minions come along like a wrecking ball constantly creating enmity for long held progressive values.

Look, no one has to agree or believe in my positions. What I really would like is for people to see how far from normalcy Donald has taken us. Do me a favor and make a list for yourself of what you think American values should be. Then ask yourself is Donald truly the kind of guy who represents those?

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